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6.turn ones back to背对;背弃 turn a deaf ear to置若罔闻 He went over to say hello to her, but she turned her back to him. 他走过去向她问候,但是她不理睬他。 * ___就个人而言,亲自 ___应用:用途;申请 ___金融;财经 ___探索.探侧.探究 ___目标.目的;球门 ___病毒 ___发信号 信号 ___教练 ___出现;发生 ___电子的 ___外观.外貌;出现 ___性格.特点 ___顽皮的,淘气的 ___侄女 ___损坏 ;宠坏 ___保护 ___恐吓;威胁 ___减少 (使)变小 ___损失 遗失 ___保护区 【模仿2】2008奥运会开幕式是极大的成功, 它使世界感到震惊,因为它巧妙地 把中国的历史成就和未来之梦结合 在一起呈现给世界。 The opening ceremony of 2008 Olympics is a great success, which shocks the world because it has wonderfully combined Chinese historic achievements with dreams of future and showed them to the world. 【原句】There is no doubt that the boxes were then put on a train for Konigsberg, which was at that time a German city on the Baltic Sea. 【模仿1】毫无疑问我在家乡度过的童年时 期,自行车对我作用非常大,当其时 我的家乡是长江边的一个小城市。 There is no doubt that bikes were very useful in my childhood in my hometown, which was at that time a small city on the bank of the Yangzi River. 【模仿2】毫无疑问这幅唐代的画价值连城, 它为当时的一位名家所画。 There is no doubt that the Tang Dynasty picture is priceless, which was at that time painted by a famous painter. 【原句】I lived in what you call “Ancient Greece” and I used to write about the Olympic Games a long time ago. 【模仿1】我对你今天所做的很满意但我过去认 为你是一个懒惰的孩子。 I am satisfied with what you have done today but I used to think that you were a lazy boy. 【模仿2】我对发生在那里的事情感到非常遗 憾,我过去常常认为那是不可能发 生的。 I feel sorry for what has happened there and I used to think it impossible . zone, species, respond, distant, relief, mercy, insect, contain, powerful, affect, appreciate, secure, income, employ, bite, inspect, incident, classical, folk, musician 【原句】Only athletes who have reached the agreed standard for their event will be admitted as competitors. 【模仿1】只有那些各科都取得好成绩的人


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