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English Revision for Units 19-20 (2B) 句子翻译(18) 1.当我走进房间时,发现除了一台电视机外,房内没有一件值钱的东西。 2.二十岁时,我哥哥得到了一个在一家有名的法国公司当工程师的好职位。 3.他把他的整个生命都献给了教育事业。 4.天那么黑,所以小男孩只得摸着路走出大厅。 5.除了书面考试外,你还得进行英语口试。 句子翻译(18) 1. 当我走进房间时,发现除了一台电视机外,房内没有一件值钱的东西。 2. 二十岁时,我哥哥得到了一个在一家有名的法国公司当工程师的好职位。 3. 他把他的整个生命都献给了教育事业。 4. 天那么黑,所以小男孩只得摸着路走出大厅。 5. 除了书面考试外,你还得进行英语口试。 1 Dictation 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 2 Look say in English 1. 对……感兴趣 2. 给某人树了个好榜样 3. 入狱,被监禁/把某人投入监狱, 监禁某人 4. 随心所欲地做某事 5. 担任重要职务 6. 就……发表演说/讲 B 1. 身患残疾的成功人士 2. 以……作为结局/而告终 3. 阻止某人干某事 4. 事实上 5. (梦想、愿望等)变为现实 6. 宇宙、物质与时间的起源 3 Word spelling (1-5) When people are getting old, they would like to live p________ in the quiet countryside. It was President Lincoln who l_______ the black people from the slavery. Having examined carefully, the policemen pointed out that the old lady didn’t kill herself but was m_______. Many young scientists have a_______ great success in their chosen fields. It’s u_____ to have me do most of the work while he sits there without doing anything. 3 Word spelling (6-10) 6. Nationalities like Hui and Miao are m______ in China. 7. Since Beijing is famous for its places of interest, a lot of foreign t______ come and visit it every year. 8. I walked back and forth on the p______, waiting for the train to arrive. 9. C____ are the places for people to get medical treatment. 10. The bad weather p_______ the plane from taking off on time. 5 Proof reading Time is valuable but limit. There is a famous 1____ saying, “Time is money”, this shows the 2____ importance of time. Time will never return back 3____ when it has gone. It is a pity when many people 4____ make poor use of time. They spend precio


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