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英語證照與英語面談 ~踏出職場成功的第一步 ETS台灣區代表 王星威 為什麼證照開始流行? 大學生人數 大學畢業證書的公信力 Third party evaluation 趨勢 企業人力資源全球化 企業目標及企業溝通英語化 雙語人才稀少及高價形成企業人資最佳化需求 大學生薪資公式 薪資=專業能力 薪資=英語能力X專業能力 進入職場流程 稍微瞭解自己 尋找職缺 準備履歷表 準備證照與證件 撰寫中英文自傳 寄出履歷表及相關資料 第一次面談或考試 第二次面談 上班去了 瞭解自己 and 確定方向 內勤或外勤 野心或安分 升學或就業 本土或外商 愛情或事業 人生是由選擇組成 本土公司v.s.外商公司 本土公司 重視職缺填補 希望馬上能用 最好有人介紹 主管主觀績效 團隊主義 安全 整體滿意度高 準備資料 履歷表 證照 中英文自傳 本土公司 - 面談四大重點 家庭 學經歷 適職性- 能力 社會性 – 人格 外商 - 英語面談四大重點 Regarding your qualifications Regarding your character Regarding your career goals Difficult or stress questions Questions regarding your qualifications Please tell me about yourself. What are your strongest skills? Why should we hire you? What do you know about this job? Will you please tell me about any training that relates to this job? Why do you want to work for this company? Please describe your work experience. Are you willing to travel in this position? Questions regarding character What are your strengths and weaknesses? Do you work well under pressure? What are you proudest of ? What types of things irritate you about coworkers? Are you ok working for a younger supervisor? Describe your best and worst classmates. What have you learned from your mistakes? Questions regarding career goals What do you want to be doing in 15 years? What are your hobbies ? Do you plan to continue your education? What kind of work interests you most? What are your salary expectations for the future, say 5 years? What motivates you? Do you consider yourself a leader or a follower? Of the classes that you have taken, which did you like best? Why? Difficult or stress questions If another employee asked you to sign her out because she was leaving 45 minutes early, how would you handle this? If your boss asks you to do some birthday shopping for her son on your lunch hour, what would your response be? What do you expect in the way of a beginning salary? What type of things do friends criticize you about? 外商 - 英語面談四大重點 Regarding your qualifications Regarding your char


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