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* Unit 1 Negative Statements 否定陈述句 否定的表达方式 一.运用直观否定词: no ,not, never, none, neither, without等 我有两支钢笔。一支也不好写。 I have two pens, neither of which writes smoothly. 记住不要以貌取人。 Remember never to judge a book by its cover. 并不是所有的学生对古典文学感兴趣。 Not all students are interested in classics. 所有的学生对古典文学都不感兴趣。 None of the students is/are interested in classics. 二.运用隐性否定词: few little unless seldom hardly last beyond unless 他迫不及待地要出国(hardly)。 He can hardly wait to go abroad. 玛丽很少有机会看书。 Mary seldom gets chance to read. 那个陌生人说的话我不明白(beyond)。 What the stranger said is beyond me. 他是我最不想见的人(last). He is the last man that I want to see. 三. if/whether 词来表否定: 我想知道我是否不该带伞。 I wonder if/whether I shouldn’t bring umbrella. I wouldn’t be surprised if they did not move soon. 四.运用特殊结构表否定: would rather… than … =prefer to…rather than; too…to ; prevent/keep/stop …from… far from (一点也不) ; free from (摆脱) ; anything but(根本不) ; The fortune set him free from financial worries. 这笔财富使他摆脱了财政上的担忧。 What he has is far from satisfactory. 他做的事不能够另人满意。 他宁可辞职也不向老板屈服。 He would rather quit than give in to his boss. 这工作根本不容易。 The work is anything but easy. 四. think, believe, suppose, expect等词 否定前移的情况(主语是第一人称时): 我认为他不应该沉溺于电脑游戏。 I do not think he should be addicted to computer games. 1. 双重否定表肯定: 没有水就没有生命。 There would be no life without water. 五.表肯定意义的情况: 他从来没有告别就离开的。 He never leaves without saying good-bye. It is not uncommon to find her reading the newspaper. 2. not 和否定前缀的词表肯定。 3. 结构否定,意义肯定: (1).nothing but 只有,只不过 ; not…until…直到才… 我们无能为力只能等。 We could do nothing but wait. =We have no choice but to wait. He has nothing but money on his mind. 他一心想着钱。 直到那时我才知道了掌握英语知识 的重要性。 I did not know the importance of acquiring a good knowledge of English until then. (2)can not/never与too或比较级连用 “再怎样用不为过, 最……不过, 越……越好” 你对老师越礼貌越好。 You can not/never be too polite to your teachers. When crossing the street, you can never be too careful. 过马路时,再小心也不为过。 *


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