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①You may borrow the book so long as/as long as you keep it clean.只要你不把书弄脏,就可以借给你。 ②I don’t care about the price so_long_as the car is in good condition.我不计较价钱,只要车很好用就行了。 【温馨提示】 as long as 只能用于肯定句,而so long as既可用于肯定句又能用于否定句。as long as 还可意为“与……一样长,长达……”。 ③I think the train leaves at midday.You’d better take a taxi.If not,maybe you’ll miss it. 我想火车是正午开,你最好打的去,否则可能会误车的。 ④Have you got a free evening next week?If_so,let’s have dinner together. 下周你哪个晚上没事?如果没有事,我们去吃饭吧。 ⑤Take this camera with you,if necessary. 如果有必要,带上照相机去吧。 跟踪训练 1.(2012·湖南长沙长郡中学月考)If the food tastes nice,we’ll buy some;if ________,________. A.no;no B.not;not C.not;no D.no;not 解析:选B。考查省略。全句应为:If the food doesn’t taste nice,we won’t buy any。 2.Perseverance is a kind of quality-and that’s what________to do anything well. A.one takes B.one is taken C.it takes D.it is taken 解析:选C。句意为:毅力是一种品质,是一种做好任何事情都需要的品质。表语从句中隐含一个句型:It takes ...to do sth.。 3.(2012·郑州六校质量检测)My students,__________ you have a heart loving life,you always can find things that would make you happy each day. A.as long as B.if only C.as though D.even though 解析:选A。考查连词用法。句意为:我的学生们,只要你们有一颗热爱生活的心,你们每天总能发现让你们开心的事情。as long as表示“只要”。后三项分别表示“但愿”“似乎”“即使”,都不符合句意。 4.(2012·江西省九江市第二次联考)__________ I know,the computer can never take the place of the human brain. A.Even if B.In case C.As long as D.As far as 解析:选D。考查状语从句。根据语意判断选D,as far as引导状语从句时,意为“就……而言”,as far as I know意为“据我所知”。句意为:据我所知,电脑永远也代替不了人脑。 本部分内容讲解结束 按ESC键退出全屏播放 ①(牛津P386)Can you tell me how the accident came_about?你能告诉我事故是怎样发生的吗? ②I’ll never understand how it came about that you were an hour late on such a short journey. 我真不明白这么短的路程你怎么会迟到一个小时。 辨析come about/happen/take place/break out come about “发生,产生”,通常与how连用。 happen “发生”,指偶然的、意外的事情发生。 take place “发生”,指事件或事故的发生是在预料中,进而引申为按计划“进行,举行”。 break out 指战争、火灾、疾病等的突然“发生,爆发”。 巧思妙解 用come about,happen,take place,break out填空 (1)A fire ____________during the night and caused a great damage. broke out (2)Luckily the earthquake didn’t ____________in th


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