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小幽默3 Marriage is an institution in which a man loses his bachelor’s degree and the woman gets her master’s status. bachelor: 学士;单身 master: 硕士;主人 小幽默4 Tom: is your mother engaged? Jim:Engaged? She has three children, you see! engaged:订婚的,忙的 be engaged to sb. 与某人订婚 be engaged in sth. 忙于做某事 小幽默5 Tom: Mr. Smith married his daughter last week. Joan: Why? How can it be? Tom: Well, it was my brother Joan who married Smith’s daughter. marry:把…嫁出去,娶… 英汉词汇意义方面差异小结 1、英语词汇所包含的意义往往颇具游移性、灵活性;现代汉语词语的涵义范围比较狭窄,词义比较精确、固定,具有较强的独立性。 2、由于当代科技日新月异以及英语在国际上不可替代的地位,英语词汇容易获得新义;汉语词汇则不然。(例如mouse, base等等) 二、词的搭配能力 例子: You cannot build a ship, a bridge or a house if you don’t know how to make a design or how to read it. 不会制图或看不懂图纸,就不可能造船、架桥或盖房子。 点评 英语中一个动词build可以很协调地同它的三个宾语a ship, a bridge or a house搭配,而汉语中却没有一个共用的动词可以很地道、很通顺地同这三个宾语进行搭配。 可见英语词汇的语义较宽,而汉语词汇的语义则较窄。 例:enjoy 1. enjoy free medical care 2. enjoy advantages 3. enjoy national protection 4. enjoy mass support 5. enjoy prosperity 6. enjoy a special place 7. enjoy a double-digit growth 8. enjoy a revival 译文 1、享受公费治疗 2、具备优越条件 3、受到国家保护 4、赢得/获得/得到大众支持 5、处于繁荣时期 6、占有一个特殊地位 7、以两位数的百分比增长 8、重振雄风 例:develop 1. His plane developed engine trouble only seven miles after take-off. 他的飞机在起飞后只行了七英里就发生了机械故障。 2. Most of the money came from selling the secret of a new type of potato he had developed. 大部分钱是靠他培育土豆新品种的秘方得来的。 例:develop 3. As young John grew into manhood, he developed tuberculosis. 年轻的约翰长大成人时患上了结核病。 4. By the 13th century, printing had developed further. 到公元13世纪,印刷术已有了进一步的发展。 例:develop 5. We must develop all the natural substances in our country which can make us rich. 我们必须开发我们国家中可以让我们过上富足生活的一切自然资源。 6. As early as his second film, Chaplin had developed his own manner of acting, the one that was to become world famous. 早在他演第二部电影时,卓别林就已形成了他自己的表演风格,这就是他后来闻名于世的那种表演风格。 例:develop 7. In less than ten years, it develops from a seed into a full-grown tree. 不到十年,它从一粒种子长成一棵枝叶繁茂的大树。 8. Our holiday photos haven’t been developed yet. 我们假日拍的照片还没有冲印出来。


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