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Unit 5 译文: 香港珠海学院新校区 三个重要因素促成了珠海学院新校区的设计理念:时间紧迫,必须两年完工;地块的自然美——俯瞰香港新界青山湾的苍翠小山;以及自1947年创办以来珠海学院悠久的多学科教育史。 校园包括三个学院(十个系)的教育设施和两个研究中心,总建筑面积28000平方米. 建筑75%的空间都集中在两个平行的水平板形体量上,高度均为八层。 板型体块的设计考虑了施工的速度和方便:所有结构要素都在室外,赋予了楼面以极大的自由度。 两个平板通过穿梭于建筑之间的楼梯和平台组成的“垫子”连接,“垫子”用作校园的交通空间,顺应着基地面海形成的自然坡度。 校园生活主要集中在这个“垫子”上,它能促进各系师生之间的交流,可以观赏海景和山景。同时,板型建筑通透的立面也赋予了“垫子”观看校园内部生活的视野。 “垫子”下面有底座在两个板形体块之间展开,从地面升起至四层的高度。 这是一个多层复杂空间组成的网络系统,与平板体块的简洁形成了鲜明对比,它包含了四个讲堂、一个餐厅、一个健身房和作为学院核心内容的图书馆。 Cultural Revolution Clock Museum of Jianchuan Museum Jiakun Liu This project is privately funded by a developer who is also a collector. The museum attracts visitors while the shop benefits to the operation of the museum. The two form a mutually beneficial relationship between business and culture. The commercial and residential area, called Mundane Space, faces the street in a relatively free but complicated way. In contrast, the museum uses the material of clear bright brick and employs several typical classical planes such as round, square and crisscross to construct Holy Space, cultivating a special atmosphere of singleness, extremeness, purity and fanaticism. Bell section With nothing placed in the round yard at the center, only a smooth shadow remains. An acoustic peculiarity exists in round space and thus some special architectural acoustic phenomena such as a whispering wall and center focus come into being. Therefore, when people pass the maze-like twisting path and enter the closed and quiet acoustic space, they can experience sound, shadow and time. Banner section The banner section is a closed square yard. On the top hangs up Red Soldier banners under a grid, casting red shadows that fill the room. In the middle of the floor stands a black granite inscription. The spacious hall and banners hung from above remind us of the moments we were flying high. Seal section As we know, the seal is a symbol of power. This section is based on the prototype of an amphitheater space. Various seals combined


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