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传统节日风俗与汉英翻译 2009-10 传统节日风俗 一, 风俗的起源,神秘的原始崇拜与禁忌 二,节日风俗的发展与演变。 先秦,节日风俗起源萌芽;汉代,定型时期 唐代,节日风俗转变为娱乐型,礼仪型。 三,节日风俗的特点。 农业文化特色;传统的伦理观念、道德观念;礼仪、礼俗与风俗紧密结合。 传统节日 一, 春节 年,新年。 (一)、腊月准备过年习俗 1,吃腊八粥 腊八节,Feast of Winter Gruel; 2,大扫除 且说贾珍那边,开了宗祠,着人打扫,收拾供器,请神主,又打扫上房,以备悬供遗真影像。 Over the Ning Mansion Jia Zhen had the Ancestral Temple opened and swept, the sacrificial vessels prepared, the ancestral tablets put in the place, and the north hall cleaned in readiness for displaying the ancestral portraits. 3, 置办年货,庆祝新年 当下已是腊月,离年日近,王夫人与凤姐置办年事。 It was now the twelfth month. As New Year was fast approaching, Lady Wang and Xifeng had their hands full with preparations. 4,贴门神、对联、年画 door god; paste couplets (spring couplets) on the wall; New Year pictures (二)、除夕习俗 1,驱鬼 2,守岁 3,请神、祭祖 拜影,旧时供奉的祖先画像,过节祭祀时供子孙叩拜。 Bowing to the ancestral portraits 4,拜年 (New Year Greeting) 5,压岁钱 New Year money; lucky money Spring Festival Gala (CCTV) 各处佛堂灶王前焚香上供,王夫人正房院内设着天地纸马香供… Incense and sacrifices were offered at the various Buddhist shrines and to the kitchen god; and incense-sticks and paper effigies were burnt to Heaven and Earth in the main court of Lady Wang’s compound. 不觉已是除夕,卜老一家过年,儿子、媳妇房中,都有酒席、炭火。卜老先送了几斤炭叫牛浦在房里生起火来,又送了一桌酒菜,叫他出现在房里立起牌位来祭奠老爹。新年初一日,叫他到坟上烧纸钱去。 Presently it was New Year’s Eve and Old Pu’s sons celebrated with wine, a good meal and a charcoal brazier. Old Pu gave Niu Pu a few catties of charcoal for his room too, and some wine and dishes, telling him to set up his grandfather’s shrine and sacrifice before it. On the New Year’s Day he told the young man to go to the grave to burn paper money. (三)、迎新年 1,放爆竹迎新年 Amidst the sound of fire crackers, the year is out. 爆竹声声辞旧岁 —— 王安石 Lion dancing, Dragon dancing, walking on stilts, yangge folk dance, rowing land boat 舞狮,舞龙,踩高跷,扭秧歌,划旱船 2,祭祖,喝椒柏酒 3,拜年 (Wish sb a happy New Year) 4,新年禁忌 二,元宵节,上元节,灯节 The Lantern Festival 灯谜,“灯虎” Lantern riddles 至十五日之夕,贾母便在大花厅上命摆几席酒,定一班小戏,满挂各色佳灯,带领荣宁二府各子侄孙男孙媳等家宴。 On the evening of the fifteenth, the Lady Dowage


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