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Verication of Work
ow Task Structures:
A Petri-net-based approach
1; 2
W.M.P. van der Aalst and A.H.M. ter Hofstede
1 Department of Mathematics and Computing Science, Eindhoven University of Technology
GPO Box 513, NL-5600 MB Eindhoven, The Netherlands, e-mail: wsinwa@win.tue.nl
2 Cooperative Information Systems Research Centre, Queensland University of Technology
GPO Box 2434, Brisbane, Qld 4001, A ustralia, e-mail: arthur@.au
While many work
ow management systems have emerged in recent years, few of them
provide any form of supp ort for verication. Consequently, most work
ows b ecome op era-
tional b efore they have b een thoroughly checked. This frequently results in runtime errors
which need to b e corrected on-the-
y at, typically, prohibitive costs. This pap er shows how
verication of a typical pro cess control sp ecication, which is at the heart of most work
sp ecications, can b enet from state-of-the-art Petri-net based analysis techniques. To il-
lustrate the applicability of the approach, a verication to ol has b een develop ed. This to ol
can download and verify the correctness of pro cess denitions designed with Staware, one
of the leading work
ow management systems.
1 Intro duction
Recent years have seen the proliferation of work
ow management systems develop ed for dif-
ferent typ es of work
ows and based on dierent paradigms (see e.g. [Aal98a , EN93 , EKR95,
GHS95 , JB96 , Kou95, Law97 , Sch96, WFM96 ]). Despite the abundance of such to ols, the
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