Christmas Introduction 圣诞节简介(英文)PPT.ppt

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Christmas Introduction 圣诞节简介(英文)PPT

December 25 each year, is the day Christians commemorate the birth of Jesus, known as Christmas. 每年12月25日,这一天基督徒纪念耶稣的诞生,为圣诞节而闻名。 Christmas is the holiday celebrating the birth of Jesus Christ. Although it is a religious holiday , many modern customs and practices associated with it were carried over from other festivals-some religious , some not. What follows is a little background , history and development of the American Christmas celebration. 圣诞节是节日庆祝耶稣基督的诞生。虽然这是一个宗教节日,许多现代的习惯和做法进行与之相关的其他节日,一些宗教,有的没有结束。以下是一些背景,历史和美国的圣诞节庆祝活动的发展。 The birth of Jesus in Bethlehem signaled the fulfillment of a long awaited promise that God would send someone , his personal representative, to remove the negative effects of personal evil in the world . Jesus was that representative. Thus his arrival on the human scene , announced by a night sky full of angels ( Luke2:9-14), was good news. 耶稣在伯利恒诞生标志着一场期待已久的承诺的履行,上帝会派一个人,他的个人代表,以消除世界上的个人邪恶的负面影响。耶稣是代表。因此,他的到来对人类的场景,由夜空的天使(路加福音2:9-14)全部公布,是个好消息。 In A.D. 336 the of Christs birth,obviously trying to reorient the holiday for Christians.When the Empire split between east and west,the church in the east(Eastern Orthodox)recognized January 6th as the celebration date.In many countries January 6th is still honored as the officialbirth date of Chist.The time between December 25th and January 6th forms what has become known as the 12Days of Christmas. 在公元336基督的诞生,显然是想为基督教徒重新调整假期。当帝国分裂为东部和西部,教会在东方(东正教)承认1月6日的庆祝活动日期。在许多国家1月6日仍誉为“官方”基督出生日期的12月25日之间的时间1月6日形式,已成为众所周知的“12天的圣诞。” Christmas tree Christmas carols Santa Claus Christmas dinner Christmas Tree Enhance the festive atmosphere([?tm?,sfi?] 气氛) Be made of evergreen such as cypress ([saipris]柏树) Decorated with a variety of candles ,flowers ,toys ,stars… Christmas Tree Westerners with red, green and white color for the Christmas colors, Christmas comes every household is decorated with Christmas colors. Red Colored with Christmas flowers and Christmas candles. Green is the Christmas tree. It is t


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