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租者置其屋計劃的統計分析 Statistical Analysis on Tenants Purchase Scheme 近年來,香港房屋委員會引進了多項資助自置居所計劃使更多市民能夠自置 置居所。租者置其屋計劃(租置計劃)是最受歡迎的計劃之一,自一九九八年 推出以來,反應一直非常熱烈。至二零零一年三月底,已有57 900位現居租戶 透過租置計劃成為業主。本文特地提供了租置計劃單位的地區、面積、樓齡和 售價的統計分析,以供參閱。 Over the years, 也 Hong Kong Housing Authoritý has in甘Oduced a number of subsidized home ownership schemes tO facilitate wider home ownership in Hong Kong. The Tenants Purchase Scheme (TPS) is one of the most popul缸 schemes and enthusias世c response has b n received since its introduction in 1998. By the end ofMarch 2001, 57 900 sitting tenants became home owners through TPS. This article provides a statistical analysis on the loca世on, flat size, blOck age and sale price of flats under the TPS. 如對本文有任何查詢,請致電房屋署統計分組(二) (電話: If you have any enquiries on this article, please call Statistics Section (2), Housing Departrnent (Tel. : 2762 4666). 香港統計月刊 二零零一年四月 FAl Hong Kong Monthly Digest of Statistics April 200 I 租者置其屋計劃的統計分析 StatisticaI Analysis on Tenants Purchase Scheme 1. 引言 1. Iníroduction 1.1 租者置其屋計劃(租置計劃 ,是香港 1.1 The Tenants Purchase Scheme (TPS) is one of the subsidized home ownership schemes offered by 房屋委員會(房委會 )提供的資助自置居所計 the Hong Kong Housing Authority (HA). Under the 劃之一 。租置計劃照顧到公屋租戶 的負擔能 TPS, pub1ic rental housing σRH) tenants can 力,讓他們以合理的價格購買現居單位。


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