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40 / 2008 9
Microstructure and Property of Ti/Zr/Porcelain Interface
1 1 2 1
, , ,
(1 ,
130025;2 , 130041)
1 1 2 1
DUAN Zhen-hen , SUN Da-qian , Z H U So ng , QIU Xiao-ming
(1 Colleg e of M aterials Science and Engineering, Jilin University, Changchun
130025, China;2 Colleg e of Stomatolo gy, Jilin University , Chang chun 13004 1, China)
: Zr N , T i/Z rN/。 , Ti/
T i, Si, O 。 Zr N , T i/ T i/Z rN/
, Z rN 。T i/Z rN/ 29.2MP a, Ti/
23.5M Pa , 24.3%。
:T i;Z rN;;;
:TG406;R783.4 :A :100 1-4381(2008)09-0040-04
Abstract:A ZrN film w as sputtered on polished titanium substrate using magnetro n sputtering tech-
nique.The microstructure and property of T i/Zr/porcelain interf ace w ere inve stig ated.The re sults
show that the interface between porcelain and titanium is com po sed of oxide lay er formed on titanium
and reaction one w hich m ainly contains T i, Si and O .The joint of T i/porcelain translates into T i/Zr/
porcelain after the deposition of ZrN co ating.The ZrN film can eff ectiv ely prevent the form ation of
oxidation layer o n titanium.The bo nding strength of Ti/Zr/Porcelain is 29.2M Pa, co mparing w ith
23.5MPa of Ti/porcelain increased by 24.3 %.
Key words:T i;ZrN;porcelain;interf ace;bonding strength
(Porcelain Fused to M etal, , T i/Duceratin 。
PFM )() ZrN ,
, ZrN T i/
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