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专题:大学英语新六级、专四 听力与理解应试策略 The head of Iraq’s government says that a series of suicide bombing is designed to create chaos in that country and prevent progress toward elections that is scheduled for next year. Prime Ministry Nuri Al-Maliki called yesterday’s terrorist attacks cowardly. The head of Iraq’s government says that a series of suicide bombing is designed to create chaos in that country and prevent progress toward elections that is scheduled for next year. Prime Ministry Nuri Al-Maliki called yesterday’s terrorist attacks cowardly. The five explosions killed more than 125 people and injured more than 440 others. The bombings all took place within minutes of each other Tuesday morning. They targeted several government buildings around the capital city of Baghdad, as well as a neighborhood in a business district. The five explosions killed more than 125 people and injured more than 440 others. The bombings all took place within minutes of each other Tuesday morning. They targeted several government buildings around the capital city of Baghdad, as well as a neighborhood in a business district. assassination n. 刺杀 corruption n.腐败 reconcile n.和解 territory n.领土 terrorist n.恐怖分子 eliminate v.淘汰 dissolve v.解散 turmoil n.骚动 withdraw v.撤离 envoy 外交使节,特使 break off 中断 recall 召回 economic sanctions 经济制裁 unilateral /bilateral /multilateral 单边/双边/多边的 sit-in 静坐示威 quell 镇压 detonate 引爆 hijack 劫机 blast 爆炸 inflation n.通货膨胀 deflation n.通货紧缩 real estate n. 房地产 pension fund n.养老基金 entrepreneur n.企业家 shareholder n.股东 merger v.并购 cook the book 做假账 in the red 赤字亏损 deficit 赤字 in the black 黑字,盈余 surplus 盈余 global corporation 跨国公司 recession 经济衰退 take over 收购 go bankrupt 破产 hostage n. 人质 casualty n. 伤亡人数 rebellion n. 叛乱 step down 下台 heavy fighting 激战 military coupe 军事政变 pre-war intelligence 战前情报 forced from


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