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4 16 2004 12 10 6 Ch na J A IDS/ ST D V ol110 N o16 Dec. 2004 ## 1 2 3 4 5 6 许文青 , 季成叶, 何景琳 , 李慧, 张可, 王涛 ( 1. , 100011; 2. , 100083; 3. , 100600; 4. , 100050; 5. , 100054; 6. , 100083) : ( AI DS) , 5 - , 6~ 14 25 1 , 39 ( 15 . 5% ) , 212 ( 84 . 5% ) 129 ( 51. 4 % ) 5 8 ( 23 . 1% ) , 18 ( 3 1% ) / , 5 1 ( 26 . 4 % ) , 62 ( 32 . 1% ) 159 ( 63. 4 %) 81 ( 32. 3% ) / 72 ( 28. 7% ) , , : ; ; : R5 1219 1 : A : 1672- 5662( 2004) 06- 0416- 05 Preliminary analysis of conditions of AIDS related orphans in selected areas of in China. X U Wen-qing, JI Cheng-ye, HE Jing-lin, et al. (Health Education Institute, China CDC, Beij ing 100011, China) Abstract:Objective T he bas c Cond t ons of AI DS related orphans n selected areas of Ch na w as analyzed n terms of the r l vel hood , school ng and personal f eel ngs, and r elevant approaches to ass st them w ere ex plo red Methods F ve count es under the Ch na/ U N ICEF HI V/ A IDS Cooper at ve P roject w ere selected, n w h ch quest onna re survey w as con- ducted for AIDS related orphans aged 6- 14 y ears, and also for the r care- g vers. Results T w o hundred and f fty one or- phans aged 6- 14 years w ere surv ey ed n th s study, of w hom 39 ch ldren( 15 . 5% ) lost both f


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