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Specialized English on Telecommunication Yang XiaoQing Unit 17 Images and Televisions Key terms Picture element; the smallest resolved area in a video scanning technique Pixel Shade 颜色深浅,渐变 Histogram 直方图 Reassign 再分配 A portion of a TV signal, transmitted by frequency modulation Aural signal a portion of a TV signal, which is amplitude modulated onto a carrier Video signal Time-lapsed 时间上相继的 the branch of pure mathematics dealing with the theory of numerical calculations Arithmetic bend out of shape Warping 扭曲,变形 a computer method that is used to make one image gradually change into a different one Morph 变体,变种 the act of expanding an aperture Dilation Erosion 腐蚀 make unclear Blur Kernel 核心,要点 the size of something as given by the distance around it Perimeter 周长 Rows and columns 图像的行和列 Gray scale image 灰度图像 Gray scale level 灰度级 Image contrast 图像对比度 Bar graph 条形图 Histogram equalization 直方图均衡 Resultant matrix 结果矩阵 Edge detection 边缘检测 Object recognition 目标识别 Magnitude spectrum 幅度谱 Phase spectrum 相位谱 CT Computed tomography 计算机层析 MRI Magnetic resonance imaging 核磁共振成像 Run length encoding 行程编码 Huffman encoding 哈夫曼编码 DCT Discrete cosine transform 离散余弦变换 a numerical measure of the uncertainty of an outcome Entropy Correlation 相关性 a grouping of a number of similar things Cluster Asymmetric 不对称的 Code book 码本 Fractal 分形 High definition television 高清晰度电视 RMS Root mean square 均方根 GIS Ground instrument system 地面测量系统 Vector quantization 矢量量化 Filter in a TV transmitter that allows both the video AM signal and audio FM signal to feed the same antenna Diplexer 天线公用器 A light-sensitive chip used to convert optical images to an electronic form CCD Charge couple device The time it takes an electron beam to move from the end of one line to the start of the next time Retrace interval (回程间隔) In a TV picture, the ratio of frame width distance to frame height distance Aspect ratio Length of time an image stays on the screen after the electrical signal is removed Persistence Front end


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