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Foreign Language World No. 1 2009 ( General Serial No. 1 0) 英语听力教学的现状及发展趋势 程京艳 : 本文总结了近年来国内外听力教学研究中 于策略的听力教学计算机辅助多媒体教学以及其他类型 的听力教学方法的发展状况和存在问题笔者在文中指出: 首先, 如何针对不同听力水平的学习者进行符合 他们实际的听力策略培训是听力教学研究今后努力的方向; 其次, 计算机辅助多媒体教学在听力教学中的角 色定位以及在听力课堂中的具体使用也需要引起我们的重视; 最后, 狭窄型听力学术听力互动听力等三种 听力教学方法值得在我国听力教学中进行尝试 : 听力策略; 计算机辅助多媒体教学; 狭窄型听力; 学术听力; 互动听力 A bstrac t: This paper conducts a survey on the developm ent of listen ing teaching in and ou t of China, ranging from strategy-based approach, com puter assisted m ultmi edia approach to other approaches. It advocates: firstly, further study is needed on how to train d ifferent learners to use d ifferen t listening strategies; secondly, a closer look is neces- sary at the role and emp loym ent of computer assisted mu ltmi ed ia approach in listen ing class; finally, som e other lis- ten ing teaching m ethods, including narrow listen ing, academ ic listen ing and interactive listen ing, arew orth trying in listening teach ing in our country. K ey w ords: listening strategy; com puter ass isted mu ltmi ed ia; narrow listening; academ ic listen ing; interactive listening : H 19 : A : 1004- 5112( 2009) 01- 0051- 06 , , ; , , , , , , , , , / 20 90, , ( Vandergrift 2004), ( strategy-based approach), , , ( narrow listening) ( academ ic listen ing)( interactive listen ing) 1. 于策略的听力教学方法( strategy-based approach) 20 90, # 51# 2009 1( 1 0) , OpM alley Chamot( 1990), : (), (, ), (), V andergrigft( 1996) , / 0 M endelsohn( 1994)M acIntyreNoels ( 1996)Cohen( 1998), / 21( Goh 2002a; M areschal 2002; V anderg


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