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12 2 ( ) Vol. 12 No. 2 20 11 4 JOURNAL OF BE IHUA UN IVERSITY ( Natural Sci nc ) Apr. 20 11 : 1009-4822( 20 11) 02-0213-06 SPOT-5 1, 2 2 1, 3 亓兴兰 , 胡宗庆 , 刘 健 ( 1. , 350002; 2. , 353000; 3. , 365000) : , SPOT-5, . , SPOT-5, IH SPCA Brov y H PF 5, , SPOT-5. : , H PF IH S. : ; ; IH S; PCA ; Brov y ; ; H PF : S127; TP79 : A Fusion A lgorithm s Comparison of SPOT-5 PAN and M ulti-spectral Rem ote Sensing Images 1, 2 2 1, 3 Q I X ing-lan , HU Zong-qing , LIU Jian ( 1. Co lleg e of Forestry, F uj ian Ag r iculture and F orestry Un iversity, F uzhou 35 0002, Ch ina 2. F uj ian F orestry Vocat ional Techn ical Colleg e, N anp ing 353000, Ch ina 3. Sanm ing Un iversity, S anm ing 3 65000, Ch ina ) Abstract W ith th d v lopm nt of r mot s nsing, th application of SPOT-5 data ar xt nsiv for its advantag s. W ith th principl s of mi ag fusion m thods, th is pap r focus d on find ing a prop r m thod for fusing th panchromatic and mu lt-i sp ctral mi ag s of SPOT-5 w ith IHS transformation, PCA r solu tion, Brov y transformation, mu ltiplicativ and HPF r solution. R su lts of d iff r n t fusion m thods w r analyz d in t rm s of sp cial r solution nhanc m nt and sp ctral inform ation maint nanc . Th r sults show d: HPF and IHS r solution had th b st quality. K ey words r mot s nsing mi ag ; mi ag fusion; IHS transformation; PCA r solution; Brov y transformation; multiplicativ transformation; HPF r solution , , , , , , , . : 2010-12-19


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