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British Higher Education VS Chinese Higher Education Countries Britain China Universities and Colleges 90 1500 Top 100 universities in the world 18 6 England 75 Scotland 15 Wales 8 Northern Ireland 2 Britain: started in 12th century 3-year, strict highly efficient save more time China: started at the end of 19th century 4-year have more detailed study China: More study time 20-week semester Reciting a lot Britain: Fewer class and less homework 15-week semester Encouraging different ideas Grades and degree The British undergraduate students must pass?18?modules, including the operability module(可操作性模块) and theoretical modules(理论性模块). Each module is made of two to three sub-courses, and it’s not equate to the Chinese concept of the lessons. Each module has its evaluate rules for examinations , operations and experiment. British Universities calculate scores by the average of 6 courses. First year scores are not included in the calculation ,and it only as a reference. British University Chinese University Bachelor 3 years 4 years Master 1 years 1~3 years Doctor 2~3 years 3 years Bachelor score British University 40 Chinese University 65 score Chinese score First Class Honors? 70 85-90 Upper Second Class Honors? 60-69 80-85 Lower Second Class Honors? 50-59 75-85 Third Class Honors? 41-49 70-75 Pass Without Honors? 40 60 Fail(no degree is awarded) 39 Bachelor degree Usually Bachelor degree will be marked in diploma. British master’s admission standards mainly depend on the level of your degree. The schools do not care about where you graduated from. Thank you!!
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