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? Tea Culture The Origin of Tea “Tea was discovered by Shennong and became popular as a drink in the State of Lu because of Zhou Gong.” “茶之为饮,发乎神农氏,闻于鲁周公。” ----陆羽.《茶经》 At the very beginning, tea was used as an antidotal medicine. Then it was found to be able to relieve internal heat and refresh mind, and people begin to drink it. The Place of Origin China is the homeland of tea. The word ‘tea’ is one of the few English words of Chinese origin. It is derived from the plant’s name as it is pronounced in South China. Tea in Daily Life Tea occupies an important position in the everyday life of the Chinese, as is illustrated in a saying, ‘The seven first things in the morning are: firewood, rice, oil, salt, soy sauce, vinegar and tea.’ 早上起来七件事,柴米油盐酱醋茶。 The Development of Tea in China It is generally believe that the habit of tea drinking originated in Sichuan Province around 4,000 years ago. 1. People there started to drink tea early in Spring and Autumn Period. 2. In Qin Dynasty, tea drinking spread to other area of China. 3. The custom of drinking tea gradually spread out from Sichuan, and towards the end of Western Han Dynasty, drinking tea became a fashion for those people with high social status. 4. Later from the Jin to the Sui Dynasties, tea drinking became popular among the common people. 5. Tea drinking proposed in Tang Dynasty. As it is became more and more popular, the way of drinking varied. Tea Spread to the World Kinds of Chinese Tea Green tea Black tea Oolong tea White tea Scented tea Tea lumps The Difference of Kinds of Tea 中国名茶 龙井 碧螺春 白毫银针 安徽铁观音 黄山毛峰 龙井 龙井,本是一个地名,也是一个泉名,而现在主要是茶名。 龙井茶产于浙江杭州的龙井村,历史上曾分为“狮、龙、云、虎”四个品类,其中多认为以产于狮峰的老井的品质为最佳。 龙井属炒青绿茶,向以“色绿、香郁、味醇 、形美”四绝著称于世。 好茶还需好水泡。“龙井茶、虎跑水”被并称为杭州双绝。虎跑水中有机的氮 化物含量较多,而可溶性矿物质较少,因而更利于龙井茶香气、滋味的发挥。 冲泡龙井茶可选用玻璃杯,因其透明,茶叶 在杯中逐渐伸展,一旗一枪,,上下沉浮, 汤明色绿,历历在目,仔细观赏,真可说是 一种艺术享爱。 碧螺春 产于江苏吴县太湖之滨的洞庭山。 碧螺春茶叶用春季从茶树采摘下的细嫩芽头炒制而成;高级的碧螺春,0.5公斤干茶需要茶芽6-7万个


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