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Preparation of Encapsulated Aluminum
Pigments by Emulsion Polymerization and
Their Characterization
Th, Batzilla and A, Tulke--Akzo Nobel Central Research*
luminum flakes are a selected class of pigments A,, ~,,,,s,o,, polymerization like process tbr the
in coatings, 1 which are used in basecoats to
A achieve a certain metallic appearance in combi e~zcapsulation qf commercia] a]untim#tt pigmeJ~ts
nation with an angle-dependent color change, the so-
called flop-effect. To achieve this desired effect, the with polymer is discussed. A possible application
flat, metallic flakes have to be oriented parallel to the target is the itul~rovevue~ztqf tile p~formance qf
substrate surface. This orientation can be achieved bv an
appropriate theology profile and strong film shrinlage ahttttinuttt pigmevzt in waterborwe coatings. T]pe
/solvent evaporation) during application and drying. eflfect qf the treatment on the stability qf the atu
Due to these rheology and shrinking requirements,
solventborne basecoats contain the highest amount of tttinl#tt 13igttlents in the presence qf alkaline wa-
solvent compared to other automotive coating layers. ter was examined. Analytical investigations with
Stricter legislation and increasing environmental con SEM, TEM, STEMEDX, XPS, amt TOC were
sciousness have forced paint producers to develop
basecoat formulations with a low volatile organic con- pertbrmed and revealed a kind qfl coagulation
tent IV9 This led to the development of waterborne ntechanism qf potytner particles on the pigtuent
basecoats. Finely dispersed, un