10.fragility assessment of progressive collapse buildings(¤gдьиt).pdf

10.fragility assessment of progressive collapse buildings(¤gдьиt).pdf

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10.fragility assessment of progressive collapse buildings(¤gдьиt)

Journal of China University of Science and Technology Vol.48-2011.07 Fragility Assessment of Progressive Collapse Buildings 建築物建築物逐步倒塌逐步倒塌之易損之易損分析分析 建築物建築物逐步倒塌逐步倒塌之易損之易損分析分析 Kuan-Hsoung Chen1 Ke-Hung Liao2 Yu-Hsiang Chen3  1  2  3 1 Associate Professor, Department of Construction Engineering, National Quemoy University 2 Associate Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, China University of Science and Technology, 3 Graduate Student, Department of Civil Engineering, China University of Science and Technology, Taiwan 1   2    3   !# Abstract The progressive damage of the steel moment resisting frame building is conducted in this research. The feature of this is investigated with a nine-story moment frame prototype building. The loss column scenario leads to develop the plastic hinges of beams and columns having addressed accordingly. The vulnerability of frames due to sudden column removal is performed with a nonlinear pushover analysis. The capacity curves of the nonlinear pushover analysis and the configurations of plastic hinges are constructed to identify the risk of the progressive damage. Keywords: progressive damage; steel moment resisting frame building; plastic hinge; capacity curve; nonlinear pushover analysis. 摘摘 要要 摘摘 要要 本研究主要探討建築物逐步倒塌之易損分析 ,以一棟九層樓之抗彎矩剛構架之鋼 結構建築物為案例探討 。由於建築物柱子逐步倒塌而導致梁產生非線性行為,亦 納入考慮。以非線性推垮分析,藉以求取倒塌之能耐曲線與塑性鉸分佈圖。 $%$% -./012 345 : 4;= ? $%$% ()*+ ,


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