1150 药物稳定性.doc

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1150 药物稳定性 The term “stability,” with respect to a drug dosage form, refers to the chemical and physical integrity of the dosage unit and, when appropriate, the ability of the dosage unit to maintain protection against microbiological contamination. The shelf life of the dosage form is the time lapse from initial preparation to the specified expiration date. The monograph specifications of identity, strength, quality, and purity apply throughout the shelf life of the product. The stability parameters of a drug dosage form can be influenced by environmental conditions of storage (temperature, light, air, and humidity), as well as the package components. Pharmacopeial articles should include required storage conditions on their labeling. These are the conditions under which the expiration date shall apply. The storage requirements specified in the labeling for the article must be observed throughout the distribution of the article (i.e., beyond the time it leaves the manufacturer up to and including its handling by the dispenser or seller of the article to the consumer). Although labeling for the consumer should indicate proper storage conditions, it is recognized that control beyond the dispenser or seller is difficult. The beyond-use date shall be placed on the container label. 就药物制剂而言,术语“稳定性”是指单位剂量药物理化性质的完整程度以及在适当情况下对微生物污染的抵抗能力。制剂的有效期指从生产至失效期的期限。在有效期内,产品须符合各论中有关鉴别、效价、质量和纯度的规定。 药物制剂的稳定性参数可能受到它所贮存的环境(温度、光照、空气和湿度)的影响,还受到包装材料的影响。药典收载的药物制剂的标签应标明贮存条件。在有效期内,药品应在规定的各条件下贮存。药品在分销过程中(即从药品离开生产商后直到由配药员处理或销售者卖给消费者)必须遵守标签上规定的贮存要求。尽管对于消费者来说药品标签应标明合适的贮存条件,但是药品在由配药员或销售者到达消费者手中时,对贮存环境的控制是很困难的。药品的失效期应在容器标签上注明。 Stability Protocols Stability of manufactured dosage forms must be demonstrated by the manufacturer, using methods adequate for the purpose. Monograph assays may be used for stability testing if they are stability-indicating (i.e., if they accurately differentiate between the intact drug molecules and their degradation products). Stability considerations should include not


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