12---2015-0295 孙才志.pdf

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12---2015-0295 孙才志

第18卷 第2 期 Vol. 18, No.2 2016 年2 月 Feb., 2016 引用格式:孙才志,陈雪姣,陈相涛.下辽河平原浅层地下水脆弱性评价[J].地球信息科学学报,2016,18(2):238-247. [ Sun C Z, Chen X J, Chen X T. 2016. The assessment of shallow groundwater vulnerability in the lower reaches of Liaohe river plain. Journal of Geo-information Sci- ence, 18(2):238-247. ] DOI: 10.3724/SP.J. 1047.2016.00238 下辽河平原浅层地下水脆弱性评价 孙才志,陈雪姣,陈相涛 辽宁师范大学城市与环境学院,大连 116029 The Assessment of Shallow Groundwater Vulnerability in the Lower Reaches of Liaohe River Plain * SUN Caizhi , CHEN Xuejiao and CHEN Xiangtao College of Urban and Environmental science, Liaoning Normal University, Dalian 116029, China Abstract: Considering the limitations of DRASTIC model and the effect of uncertainties on the groundwater resource evaluation, combining with RS technology, a DRASTICL model based on fuzzy pattern recognition was established. The model was applied to assess the groundwater vulnerability in the lower reaches of Liaohe River Plain. The sub-watershed information was extracted by DEM using the hydrologic analysis tool of ArcGIS. According to the uncertainty characterization of the parameters, the stochastic and fuzzy parameters were simulated under different α-cuts of the triangular fuzzy parameters by Monte Carlo. According to the simulation under different α-cuts by the DRASTICL model based on the fuzzy pattern recognition and the cumulative distribution, the different groundwater vulnerable values under different α- cuts and percentiles were obtained. In order to analyze the groundwater uncertainty and vulnerability, the groundwater vulnerability distribution map under different α- cuts of the lower reaches of Liao River Plain was visualized by ArcGIS. Finally, t


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