4 我国可再生能源补贴政策评价 - energy foundation china.doc

4 我国可再生能源补贴政策评价 - energy foundation china.doc

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4 我国可再生能源补贴政策评价 - energy foundation china

能源基金会 The Energy Foundation 中国可持续能源项目 The China Sustainable Energy Program 研究报告 Research Report 新形势下可再生能源补贴政策研究 Study on Subsidy Policy of Renewable Energy under the New Situation 国家发改委能源研究所 可再生能源发展中心 2012年7月 项目信息 项目编号G-1101-13723 Grant Number:G-1101-13723 项目期2011年3月1日-2012年2月29日 Grant period:2011/03/01-2012/02/29 所属领域: Sector: Renewable Energy 项目概述 Project Description: Since the Renewable Energy Law was implemented in China in 2006, wind power, solar PV, bio energy and other RE technologies had been fast developed. The demand of RE subsidy scale was also increased significantly; the total amount of subsidy in 2011 would be more than 20 billion RMB. Given the level of electricity price surplus for RE development, the deficit will be larger and larger. This project aims to analyze the new situation of RE development in China and study on possible subsidy policy reform mechanism. The report reviews the theory and category of existed subsidy policies, the international experience, summarizes and evaluates the RE subsidy system in China. Based on the quantitative analysis of subsidy demand and supply in the 12’s Five Year’s Plan, the report raise several policy recommendations for China’s RE subsidy system reform in the short, medium and long term. 项目成员: Project team: REN Dongming, QIN Shiping, XIE Xuxuan, GAO Hu, ZHAO Yongqiang, SHI Jingli, HU Runqing, TAO Ye, FAN Jingchun, ZHANG Chengqiang, ZHANG Zhengmin 关键词 Key Word: Renewable Energy, Subsidy Policy, Renewable Energy Fund, Electricity Price Surplus 执行摘要 中国《可再生能源法》自2006年正式生效以来,政府相关部门颁布了一系列有关可再生能源的经济激励政策。本研究表明,中国可再生能源补贴机制已经基本形成,各类补贴政策框架日趋合理,补贴政策的针对性、可操作性不断完善,实施效果十分明显,补贴政策已成为中国可再生能源产业发展最重要的推动力。本报告从理论上梳理了补贴政策的依据和分类,综述国外主要国家补贴政策的实施情况,总结和评述了我国可再生能源补贴政策体系,定量测算了“十二五”期间补贴资金需求和电价附加征收额,在探讨补贴政策新机制的基础上,提出我国近中远期可再生能源补贴政策改革建议,以期使补贴政策对可再生能源产业起到更好的促进作用。 通过对补贴政策理论和国际经验的梳理,报告将补贴政策归类为:产品补贴、投资补贴、税收优惠、公益事业投资等几个方面。目前,发电是可再生能源最主要的利用形式,因此固定电价政策是可再生能源产品补贴的代表,国内外经验表明固定电价对近年来全球各类可再生能源发电技术规模化发展起到关键促进作用。投资补贴可以有针对性的对可再生能源产业发展所必需的关键技术和薄弱环


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