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2009年海峡两岸土地学术研讨会 921集集地震灾后民众参与都市更新方式之评估-以台中县东势本街与台北市庆福大楼为例 洪鸿智*、杨杰光** Hung-Chih Hung Chieh-Kuang Yang 摘要:由于全球环境变迁与大规模灾害频传,使灾后之住宅重建问题,成为各国灾害管理工作的重大挑战。特别是如何有效纳入居民意见于重建过程,亦即评估合适的民众参与方式,乃灾害管理之重要工作。本文主要目的,在建立一套灾后重建之民众参与都市更新方式评估指标体系,透过专家与居民共同参与评估,决定地震灾后重建都市更新的合适民众参与方式。本文应用多属性效用理论,以台中县东势镇本街小区与台北市庆福大楼为研究案例,进行民众参与方式之评估。结果发现,受访专家认为决定有效之民众参与方式,较重要之面向为权能与公平性。本街小区居民,较偏好之民众参与方式为民众投票,其次为都市更新组织团体与自力救济;庆福大楼则为都市更新组织团体、其次为公听会与民众投票,而共同最不认同者为单纯的信息传播。此发现可提供后续大规模灾害执行灾后重建,选择合适民众参与方式之决策参考。 关键词:灾后住宅重建,都市更新,921集集地震,民众参与,灾害管理 An Evaluation of Public Participation Methods in the Post Chi-Chi Earthquake Urban Renewal: The Case of Ben-Jie, Dongshi and Ching-Fu Building, Taipei Abstract The major aim of this paper is to establish a public participation methods evaluation framework for the post-earthquake housing reconstruction by urban renewal process. This framework is conjointly evaluated by both experts and residents, rather than simply judged by experts. In this paper, the methodology of public participation evaluation is designed based on the multi-attributes utility theory, and conducted by the case study of Ben-Jie, Dongshi, Taichung and Ching-Fu Building, Taipei. Results showed that the experts suggesting the most important factors in evaluating public participation are fairness and competence. In the Ben Jie case, the most preferred public participation methods for the respondents are referendum, urban renewal organization and demonstration in that order. On the other hand, the Ching-Fu case showed that the most preferred methods are urban renewal organization, public meeting and referendum. In both cases, the respondents argued that the effects are limited for simply providing project awareness. The findings in our analysis can support the decision-making in evaluating available public participation methods in the poster-disaster housing recovery. Keywords: Post-disaster housing recovery, Urban renewal, 921 Chi-Chi earthquake, Public participation, Disasters management 一、前言 1999年9月


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