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AD9854模块的主界面和测试说明 AD9854 Operation manual 连接电源和Connect the power supply (5 v 1 a - 2 a) and USB or serial port cable,setting the communication parameter as :port number、 boud rate:9600;then click the Open buttom; If the output frequency less than 10 mHZ can use USB power supply directly, 2. Single Tone模式操作: (1)改频:选择,倍频选10,(倍频选择原则:频率30Mhz*倍频=工作频率,工作频率至少要高出输出频率的三倍。倍频越高信号好,但功耗大。Changing frequency: choice model, and choice frequency?multiplication , input the output frequency value as: 1--1Mhz 0.1(100Khz; then click the buttom; note: (2)调幅:选上,在此处拉动浮标可以调节模块E1、E2正弦波端口输出幅度的调幅。在此处拉动浮标可以调节模块E3、E4正弦波端口输出幅度的调幅。 (2)Change Amplitude: choice the ,then chang the and value,can change Amplitude of the sine signal (E5方波的改频操作方式与正弦波一样的,但方波的幅度不可以调。扭动VR1位置上的电位器可以改变方波的占空比)。 (duty cycle; Change the value of the VR1 potentiometer can change the duty cycle of the square wave;) 3.FSK模式操作: 选择,在和输入相应的频率点击和确认频率后生效,再选上,引脚会产生一个方波信号,点击按键开始。要结束此模式操作,改为不选,再点击按键结束。此处时间可以更改。 Choice the work mode as , and setting the Related parameters as , , then click the and buttom; selected the and set the UP and Down time , at last click , the module will out put the FSK signal. If unselected the , then click , the module will stop the FSK signal; 4.Ramped FSK模式操作: 选择,输入开始扫频频率, 输入结束扫频频率,每次增加的频率 , 扫频的速度。(上面所有的输入内容在输入后要点前面的键确认才生效)选上,即开始Ramped FSK模式。 Choice the work mode as, and setting the Related parameters as,,, , then click the Related buttom; at last selected the, the module will out put the Ramped FSK signal, If unselected the, the module will stop the Ramped FSK signal; 5.Chirp模式操作: 选择,在输入频率,每次增加的频率 ,扫频的速度。(上面所有的输入内容在输入后要点前面的键确认才生效)选上后点击,再选上,开始Chirp模式。 Choice the work mode as, and setting the Related parameters as, , , then click the Related buttom; selected the and set the UP and Down time , then click , at last selected the ,the module will out put the chirp signal. 6.BPSK模式操作: 选择,在输入相关频率,和输入相关相位,(上面所有的输入内容在输入后要点前面的键确认才生效)选上产生信号后,点击后生成BPSK。时间可调。 Choice the work mode as, and setting the Relat


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