general sales terms and conditions 通用销售 ... - gemalto.pdf

general sales terms and conditions 通用销售 ... - gemalto.pdf

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general sales terms and conditions 通用销售 ... - gemalto

GENERAL SALES TERMS AND CONDITIONS 通用销售条款和条件 1 GENERAL 1 概述 1.1 These General Sales Terms and 1.1 本《通用销售条款和条件》适用 Conditions shall apply to products and 于金雅拓为客户(以下简称“客 related services (hereafter jointly the 户”)生产或提供产品及相关服务 “Products”) manufactured or provided (以下合称“产品”)的交易。 by GEMALTO to a customer (hereafter the “Customer”). Any proposal or form of proposal 金雅拓就产品 向客户出具的任何形 howsoever (hereafter the “Proposal”) 式的报价(以下简称“报价”)均 made by GEMALTO to the Customer 应受本《通用销售条款和条件》的 for its Products shall be governed by 约束。除非双方另行达成明确书面 these General Sales Terms and 协议,如本《通用销售条款和条 Conditions which, unless expressly 件》与金雅拓和客户达成的其他书 otherwise agreed in writing, shall 面或口头协议不一致,应优先适用 prevail in the event of a discrepancy with any other written or oral agreement 本《通用销售条款和条件》。 between GEMALTO and the Customer. 1.2 The Proposal shall be valid for a 1.2 除非金雅拓书面通知客户予以延 period of thirty (30) days from the 长,报价应于发出之日起三十 date of its issuance, unless extended (30)日内有效。 by GEMALTO by written notice to the Customer. 1.3 The Customer’s written acceptance 1.3 客户对报价的书面接受或客户发 of the Proposal or the placement of 出书面订单( 以下简称“订 an order in writing by the Customer 单”)视为客户无条件且不可撤 (hereafter the “Order”) shall be 销地接受本《通用销售条款和条 deemed the Customer’s 件》并放弃客户自身的购买条款 unconditional and irrevocable agreement to these General Sales


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