high schools principal selection—a case of hsinchu city catholic ....pdf

high schools principal selection—a case of hsinchu city catholic ....pdf

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high schools principal selection—a case of hsinchu city catholic ...

Management Science and Engineering 管理科学与工程, 2014, 3, 16-21 Published Online March 2014 in Hans. /journal/mse /10.12677/mse.2014.31003 High Schools Principal Selection—A Case of Hsinchu City Catholic High School Kuangtai Liu, Chiachun Wu Chung Hua University, Hsinchu Email: kuliu@.tw, d2003001@.tw th th th Received: Nov. 24 , 2013; revised: Dec. 28 , 2013; accepted: Jan. 10 , 2014 Copyright © 2014 by authors and Hans Publishers Inc. This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution International License (CC BY). /licenses/by/4.0/ Abstract The catholic schools have much more regulated disciplines in education compared with general schools in Taiwan. Teaching is not just a job, but accompanies with the mission of “created all things, sanctify the world” in schools. Recently, few youth participation clergy and monasticism participat- ed. Most catholic schools had the phenomenon of insufficient principals who are catholic. There are many non-Catholics to be employed as presidents or other administrative duties in catholic schools to manage non-profit organizations. This research uses the Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy method to pri- oritize the factor of school principal selection. The results show that first layer of the dimension, the philosophy of education, is the most important factor of principal training; and that the second fac- tor is the professional knowledge of principal. Meanwhile, in the second layer of the dimension, the most important key factor is the educational policy and educational knowledge; the second factor is the family-school management. All academics expertise assessment criteria believed that life educa- tion, educational policy and educational knowledge are critical factors to


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