pfizer inc - 辉瑞.doc

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pfizer inc - 辉瑞

采购订单说明: Purchase Order : 辉瑞公司签发的对于采购物品和服务的采购文件official purchasing document to identify the goods or service Pfizer would like to purchase from supplier 供应商或者服务商:即接受该订单服务或者物品提供者,在以下统称为供应商。 Supplier or Seller is the company or person would accept the order and commit to provide the goods or service according to both parties agreement. We call it as “supplier” below. 请大家参阅以下关于采购订单的说明: Please find the below information introduction for PO Print: 采购订单说明 Label on purchase order (PO) 含义 Meaning 发票寄至: Send Invoice To: 请您将发票按照法律实体的名称出据并邮寄到该地址 The invoice should be physically sent to this address. 送货地址: Deliver To: 物品或服务交货地址 Goods or Services should be provided at this location. 供应商名称: Supplier: 系统中供应商名称及地址信息 Supplier contact details as known by this Pfizer entity. 辉瑞收货人: Pfizer Contact: 该订单指定的辉瑞收货联系人。 Contact person within this Pfizer entity. 采购订单日期: Purchase Order Date: 系统中采购订单的日期。 Date on which the purchase order has been established 采购订单更新日期: Revision Date: 系统中更新采购订单的日期。 Date on which the purchase order has been revised. 运输条款 Shipping Terms: 国际贸易运输条款简称(仅针对于直接物料采购中的物品采购) Code identifying the shipping terms if applicable (goods PGM only). 付款期限: Payment Terms: 付款期限 Code identifying the payment terms. 其他补充信息: Additional Information: 如果该订单有严格的开始日期和结束日期。或者该订单是就前一张订单的补充申请,则原来的订单号码将出现在该领域。 If the order is restricted in time, the start and end date are printed here. If the order is a renewal of a previous order, the old PO number is printed here. 数量 Quantity: 订货数量 The quantity ordered. 供应商号码: Supplier Part Number 供应商号码(如果适用,仅限于物料或设备采购供应商) The items part number as provided by the supplier (if applicable). 辉瑞号码: Pfizer Part Number 辉瑞号码(如果适用,仅限于物料或设备采购供应商) The items part number as known by Pfizer. 单位 UOM 单位 Unit of measure. 描述 Description 物品或服务的描述 Items description 交货日期 Need By Date 物品或服务的交货日期 Date on which the goods/services must be delivered. 单价 Unit Price 单价 Price per unit of measurement 合计 Extended Price 单价和数量相乘的合计价格 Unit price multiplied by the quantity. 总计



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