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King John约翰王
Made by Group2 Content Nickname Seize the throne Death Magna Carta John (24 December 1166 – 18/19 October 1216) ,is the youngest of five sons of King?Henry II of England and?Eleanor of Aquitaine. At first, he was not expected to inherit significant lands, also known as?John Lackland. He was King of England from 6 April 1199 until his death in 1216. England King is HenryⅡ Henry the Young King Richard the Lionheart Geoffrey of the duke of Bretagne It is turn to John None…… And~~~ At first he will get marry with Alexia with some manor land but soon , she died……. so My land… So, his nickname was John Lackland ! Back In 1191, Richard left England to embark on the Third Crusade. He left John in charge of the country. Johns reputation as a leader had been severely dented as far back as 1185 when Henry II sent him to Ireland to rule. John proved to be a disaster and within six months he was sent home. In 1192, Richard was imprisoned by Duke Leopold of Austria as he returned from the Crusades. John tried to seize the crown from his brother but failed. In 1194, when Richard finally returned to England, John was forgiven by his brother. In 1199, Richard was killed in France and John became the king of England. His reign started in an unfortunate way. In 1202, Johns nephew, Arthur of Brittany, was murdered. Many in Brittany believed that John was responsible for his murder and they rebelled against John. Man—when he is King John, with a nephew to render untroublesome, he uses a red-hot iron.(para9. line4) Of all the animals, man is the only one that is cruel. He is the only one that inflicts pain for the pleasure of doing it. Back Magna Carta (Latin for Great Charter), was sealed under oath by King John at Runnymede, on the bank of the River Thames near Windsor, England, on 15 June 1215. Back By 1216, John was ill. During the war, he suffered from dysentery. He
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