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In his big annual speech to congress, Barack Obama made several promises: He pledged to raise the minimum wage for those contract to the federal government, to create a new tax-free saving bond to encourage Americans to save, to work for the closure of the Guantanamo Bay prison, to push immigration reforms and to veto any sanctions that congress might pass designed to derail his deal with Iran over its nuclear program. 在年度的国会演讲中,奥巴马做出了多个承诺:包括提高联邦政府员工的最低工资,发行新的免税储蓄债券来鼓励美国人储蓄,关闭关塔那摩湾监狱,推行移民政策改革以及制止任何国会可能通过的阻碍伊朗核问题解决方案的命令。 As investors and executives crammed into a New York ballroom for a conference held this week by the Biotechnology Industry Organization, the mood was jittery. The previous week eight biotech firms had launched initial public offerings (IPO首次公募)in America together raising more than $500m. In a discussion panel on whether the industry’s latest boom will last, a prominent investor, Oleg Nodelman, joked that he still had suitcase of cash for any firm that wanted it. 这周生物技术产业协会在纽约举行了会议,当投资人和执行官们进入会议大厅的时候,气氛是紧张的。上一周八家生物公司在美国进行了首期股票上市,一共筹集了5亿美元。在一次关于产业的繁荣能否持续的讨论中,一个著名的投资人Oleg甚至开玩笑地说,我有好几箱现金,这个产业的任何公司需要我们都可以给他们。 There are reasons to hope that the latest biotech boom will not be followed by another bust. 有理由相信,最近的生物科技的繁荣不会伴随另一次的衰败。 Of all the words a proud, ambitious man might use to describe himself, perhaps only Abraham Lincoln would choose strange. Yet there it is. In one of his earliest wisps of auto biography, Lincoln wrote that he was “ a strange, friendless, uneducated penniless boys”, when he emerged from the backwoods in his early 20s to make his way in the world. 一个骄傲的且具有雄心的人会用各种词来描述自己,但可能只有林肯从这些词中选择“奇怪”这个词。情况确实如此,在林肯的早期自传中他这样写到:我是一个奇怪的、缺少朋友、没有受过教育的穷小子。那时候他20出头,刚从偏远的地方出来打拼。 For Amazon to have been a bookstore as a means to world domination at beginning of the internet age, when there was already a crisis of confidence in the publishing world in a country not known for its book-crazy public was a stroke of business genius. 在互联网刚刚兴


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