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2011, 19( 1): 26~ 32 Journal of Trop ical and Subtrop icalBotany * * 江莎, 郑书馨, 刘龙会, 赵娜, 高玉葆, 古松 (, 300071) : ( Flaveria bidentis ( L. ) Kuntze) , 2, 1, , , , , , , , , 1 , 3, 3, , 2 1, 1, 3 4, : ; ; ; ; : Q944. 4 : A 1005- 3395( 20 11) 01- 0026- 07 do:i 10. 3969/ .j issn. 1005- 3395. 2011. 0 1. 003 M egasporogenesis, D evelopm ent ofM egagam etophyte and Em bryo in F laveria b identis (L. ) Kuntze * * JIANG Sh , ZHENG Shu-x in, LIU Long-hui, ZHAO N , GAO Yu-b o, GU Song (College of Life Sciences, N ankai University, T i njin 300071, Ch in ) Abstract Them eg sporogenesis, meg g metophyte nd embryo development in Flaveria bidentis ( L. ) Kuntze w ere observed by using p r ffin section method. The resu lts show ed th t the stigm h d 2 split, ov ry w s unilocul r w ith bic rpell te, one ovule, b s l pl cen t, un itegm ic, tenu inucell te, n tropous ovule, nd developed integum ent ry t petum. A rchespori l cell d ifferenti ted below the nucell r ep iderm is developed into meg spore mother cell, wh ich formed line r tetr d by meitotic d ivison, one meg spore t m icropyl r end developed into function lmeg spore, nd the others degr ded. The development of embryo s c w s M onosporic Type. The mononucle te embryo s c underw ent three successive m itosis to form m ture embryo s c w ith seven cells, egg cell nd wt o synergids ne r the m icropyle, centr l cell in the center of embryo s c, three ntipod l cells in the ch l z l. The embryo developm ent could be divided into four st ges, such s globu l r embryo, he rt- sh ped e


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