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West region of China Todays west region of China I. 短语翻译 be intended to do 原打算 2. put pressure on 给…….施加压力 3. on top of此外 4. claim ten million lives夺取一千万人的生命 5. at risk / in danger处于危险状态 6. without doubt毫无疑问 7. at a crossroads处在抉择的关键时刻 8. fall far behind远远落后于 9. food aid alone单单食物援助 10. A story / saying goes that …谚语(故事)是这样说的 11. switch from … to …从……过渡到 12. be dependent on依靠于 13. lie in the hands of children在于孩子手中 14. provide sth to sb向某人提供 15. works of art艺术作品 16. fill one’s belly填饱肚子 13.发展中国家 14. 处于关键时刻 15. 进一步落后于 16. 发达国家 17. 改善基础设施 18. 发展援助 19. 粮食援助 20. 在… 手中 21. 社区计划 22. 传统商业 23. 成功故事 24. 良好开端 25. 更美好未来 26. 填饱肚子 13. developing countries 14. at a crossroads 15. fall further behind 16. developed countries 17. improve the infrastructure 18. development aid 19. food aid 20. lie in the hands of 21. a community programme 22. conventional business 23. success stories 24. a good start 25. a better future 26. fill one’s belly L6: intend sth. to do L6: raise money for L1 lead to destroyed harvest and killed cattle L7: raise public awareness of famine L8: relief fund L9: put pressure on politicians L14: on top of L15: claim one’s life L21: target people at risk L25: without doubt L28: at a crossroads L29: fall behind L31: a short-term solution to a long-term problem… L44: lie in the hands of L49 develop their problem solving skills L60. fill one’s belly P5 maintain their dignity 默写下列短语和句子 1. 失业的 2.上了年纪的 3. 现在,当前 4.政治家 5.全球的 6.给…施加压力 7.转变观念 8. 除那之外 9. 将某人作为目标 10. 处于危险状态 11. 毫无疑问 12. 取决于天气 13. 切断电源 14.他刚毕业,正处于人生 的关键时刻 . 15. .车祸夺去了两条人命. unemployed elderly currently politician global put pressure on switch one’s idea on top of that target sb. / aim at at risk / in danger without doubt / undoubtedly depend on / be dependent on the weather cut off the electricity He has just graduated and is standing at a crossroads of his life The car accident claimed two lives. Brainstormi


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