M1U2外研社英语九年级 the grand canyon was not just big.ppt

M1U2外研社英语九年级 the grand canyon was not just big.ppt

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M1U2外研社英语九年级 the grand canyon was not just big

Recite the test I arrived...early morning/ raining looked to the east...sky... got out of...went through...walked along... I (go on walking) after a mile...a stranger appeared... ...?I asked, He knew... yes, he replied ...in five minutes finally, I ....came to/ stopped...looked over...silent My Favourite Wonder How long is the Great Wall? How wide is the Great Wall? How high is the Great Wall? It’s 6000 kilometres long. It’s between 4 and 5 meters wide. It’s between 6 and 7 meters high. Duty report the Changjiang River 6300千米 the Huangguoshu Waterfalls 78米,101米 the Grand Canyon the Huangshan Mountain 1864米 1 sky 2 grey 3 go through 4 path 5 beside 6 reply 7 silent 8 sign 9 clear 10 shine 11 below 12 fall away 13 silver [ska?] n. 天;天空 [gre?] adj. 灰色的;(天气)天气阴沉的 成穿过;从头至尾地练习 [pɑ?θ] n. 小路 [b?‘sa?d] prep. 在…旁边;在…的附近 [r?‘pla?] v. 回答;答复 [‘sa?l?nt] adj. 寂静的 [sa?n] n.迹象;标志;招牌 [kl??] v. (烟雾)等开始消失 [?a?n] v. 照耀 [b?‘l??] prep. 在下面 ;在…以下 突然向下倾斜 [‘s?lv?] adj. 银灰色的;银制的 14 stream 15 nearly 16 on top of 17 canyon 18 remain 19 by [stri?m] n. 小河;小溪 [‘n??l?] adv. 几乎;差不多 在…上面;盖住 [‘k?nj?n] n. 峡谷 [r?‘me?n] v.逗留;留下 [ba?] prep. 在…旁边;靠近 1 sky 2 grey 3 go through 4 path 5 beside 6 reply 7 silent 8 sign 9 clear 10 shine 11 below 12 fall away 13 silver 1 天;天空 2 灰色的;(天气)天气阴沉的 3 成穿过;从头至尾地练习 4 小路 5 在…旁边;在…的附近 6 回答;答复 7 寂静的 8迹象;标志;招牌 9 (烟雾)等开始消失 10 照耀 11 在下面 ;在…以下 12 突然向下倾斜 13 银灰色的;银制的 14 stream 15 nearly 16 on top of 17 canyon 18 remain 19 by 14 小河;小溪 15 几乎;差不多 在…上面;盖住 17 峡谷 18逗留;留下 19 在…旁边;靠近 Module 1 Wonders of the world Unit 2 the Grand Canyon was not just big Read the passage quickly and answer the following questions: 1. Which country is the Grand Canyon in? How do you know?


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