[上册]Unit 1-You are What You Think.ppt

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[上册]Unit 1-You are What You Think

Course Information Instructor: 吕慧琴lv_hq@163.com Course Email: ca163.com code: english Textbook: 研究生英语精读教程(上) Course Calendar: Sundays during Oct. 11th~Dec. 27th Course objectives Improve your reading skills Enlarge your vocabulary Improve your translation skills Improve your writing skills Grading Rules You can get at most 20 points from this course. Attendence: 5 points (1 point for each absence) Homework: 5 points Class activities: 10 points There is little difference in people, but that little difference makes a big difference. The little difference is attitude. The big difference is whether it is positive or negative. ~~ W. Clement Stone You ARE What You Think You Are What You Think ...if you change your mind — from pessimism to optimism — you can change your life. Claipe Safran You Are What You Think [ 1 ] Do you see the glass as half full rather than half empty? Do you keep your eye upon the doughnut﹡, not upon the hole? Suddenly these clichés﹡ are scientific questions, as researchers scrutinize﹡ the power of positive thinking. doughnut n..炸面圈 cliché n. idea or expression that has been too much used and is now outdated; stereotyped phrase; trite expression 陈腔滥调 scrutinize v..make a detailed examination of 细查;审视 You Are What You Think [ 2 ] A fast-growing body of research—104 studies so far, involving some 15 000 people—is proving that optimism can help you to be happier, healthier and more successful. Pessimism leads, by contrast, to hopelessness, sickness and failure, and is linked to depression﹡, loneliness and painful shyness. If we could teach people to think more positively, says psychologist Craig A. Anderson of Rice University in Houston,it would be like inoculating them against these mental ills. depression※ n. being sad; low spirit沮丧,抑郁 You Are What You Think [ 3 ] Your abilities count, explains psychologist Michael F. Scheier of Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh, but the belief that you can suc


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