[区级课]五下 Unit 4 Seeing the doctor.ppt

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[区级课]五下 Unit 4 Seeing the doctor

Tip: 试着模仿语音语调,看谁最像哦~ 检查一下 check Su Hai is ill. She goes to see the doctor. Task4 Read and imiate anything Mike has a toothache. He goes to see the dentist. 牙医 Task4 Read and imiate 注意模仿他们的动作和语调! Read together. (齐读) Read in roles. (分角色读) Read after a leader. (一人领读,他人跟读) Read one by one. (一人读一句) Task5 Read in groups 诊断书 fever headache toothache Name_________ Nanjing Hospital Su Hai 诊断书 Name_________ Nanjing Hospital Mike can’t eat anything have a rest take some medicine drink some warm water not eat too many sweets brush his teeth Task6 Lets retell Let’s act 两或三人一组,选一幅图进行表演,别忘了表情和动作哦! * * * 单击此处编辑母版文本样式 第二级 第三级 第四级 第五级 原创整合 增值服务 海量素材 史上必威体育精装版最全的PPT模板素材集合 享受二年期的免费更新服务 1000G高精度PSD创意素材 【梵.帝】精品资源库 更多PPT模板/素材集 请访问: 搜集整理 - 旺旺:梵帝尼 QQ:5663298 搜 索 技术支持:梵帝尼 增值服务 原创整合 增值服务 海量素材 史上必威体育精装版最全的PPT模板素材集合 享受二年期的免费更新服务 1000G高精度PSD创意素材 【梵.帝】精品资源库 更多PPT模板/素材集 请访问: 搜集整理 - 旺旺:梵帝尼 QQ:5663298 搜 索 技术支持:梵帝尼 增值服务 海南三亚。 装机量?规模? Unit 4 Seeing the doctor ( Story time ) I can talk about illness. 我能用英语谈论疾病。 I can use “You should…” to give good suggestions. 我能用“You should”给别人良好的建议。 I can retell and act out the story. 我能复述并表演出故事。 Learning aims Guess and say What’s the matter with Jessie? What’s wrong with Jessie? Maybe she has a … cold fever headache toothache 姚老师怎么了? ache headache earache backache toothache 疼痛 你能为姚老师提些好的建议吗? Let’s say I have a headache. What should I do? You should… drink some water see the doctor take some medicine have a rest 吃药 应该 Thank you, I am better.(好多了) Jessie , Jessie , What’s wrong with you? Headache, headache, I have a headache. Doctor, doctor, you should see the doctor. Thank you! Thank you! I am better(好多了). Let’s chant Make a chant , , What’s wrong with you? , , I have a . , , you should . 两人为一小组,合作拍手,创作一个新的小诗吧! Thank you! Thank you! I am better(好多了


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