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Unit1 短语、词汇、知识点梳理 一、第单元短语 ’s new clothes 很久很久以前 long long ago 有一个国王 there was a king 某一天 one day 两个男子/女子 two men/women 拜访国王 visit the king 为你做新衣服 make new clothes for you 给国王看他的新衣 show the king his new clothes 试穿 try on 这些魔法衣 these magic clothes 聪明的人 clever people 愚蠢的人 foolish people 看见他们 see them 穿过城市 walk through the city 穿着他的新衣 in his new clothes/ wear his new clothes 有许多人 there were a lot of people 在街上 in the street 看着国王 look at the king 多么漂亮的衣服啊! What beautiful clothes! =How beautiful the clothes are! 一个小男孩 a little boy 指着国王 point at/to the king 嘲笑他 laugh at him 非常合身 fit well 今天下午 this afternoon 一张来自我好友Mark的卡片 a card from my good friend Mark 来参加我的聚会 come to my party 在四点半 at half past four 在公园里 in the park 一个美国牛仔 an American cowboy 穿着牛仔裤 wear jeans 一个苏格兰男士 a Scottish man 穿一条苏格兰裙 wear a kilt 狐狸老师和她的学生们 Miss Fox and her students 讲故事 tell a story 每个学生说一个句子。Each student says one sentence. 在山上 on the mountain 下一句 the next sentence 给男孩讲了一个故事 tell the boy a story 轮到Bobby了。 It is Bobby’s turn. 努力地想 think hard 下一句是什么? What’s next? 不得不重新开始讲故事 have to start the story again 住在森林里 live in the forest 在狮子的房子前面 in front of the lion’s house 在房子旁边散步 walk by the house 愤怒的狮子 the angry lion 对着老人大喊 shout at the old man 把你的孩子给我 give me your child=give your child to me 一个美丽的女孩 a beautiful girl 和狮子住在一起 live with the lion 对她很好 be nice to her 生病了 be sick/be ill 照顾他 look after him 变成一个王子 turn into a prince 背诵课文 recite the text 二、第一单元词汇 1.很久以前 long long ago /once upon a time 2.有魔力的 magic 3.聪明的 clever 4.愚蠢的 foolish 5.穿过 through 6.笑,大笑 laugh 7.穿 wear 8.讲,叙述 tell


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