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* Speaker: li huan Catchwords, as a kind of language phenomenon, reflecting a country, a region in a period of widespread concern and things. Catchwords in different periods have different words, but different catchwords as a sensitive nerve, reflects the social changes. Along with the 30years of reform and opening up, China appeared a lot of new ideas, new things, and catchwords is the new ideas, new things the best witness. Can say, in China in the process of the social development, each period has different catchwords “不管白猫黑猫,抓住老鼠就是好猫” “科学技术是第一生产力” “板儿爷” “作秀” No matter white cat black cat, catch mice is a good cat Science and technology is the first productivity, pedicab driver “ Show catchwords as a language phenomenon, reflecting a country, a region in the same period a widespread concern and things. The popular features is Catchwords popular has two reasons 1、the catchwords external features 2、The prevalence of catchwords intrinsic motivation 1 、简洁明了,易记易写 In 1concise, easy to write 2、标新立异,俚俗奇巧 New in order to be different, vulgar kit kat 3、反讽隐喻,富于张力 Irony, metaphor, full of tension 4、复制简便,类推性强 Replication is simple, strong by analogy “躲猫猫”、“周老虎”等流行语无不是绝妙的双关暗语 Hide and seek, tiger zhou wait for catchword is not brilliant puns. 1、Network reflect the real passion 网络观照现实的热情 2、The young people s enthusiasm to participate in 年轻人的参与热情 Generally speaking, the catchwords network is composed of major events and influential man cause, spread rapidly, and the popular hit the mark and concise language feature is. According to the principle of economy of language exchange, network flow line - short sentence, seldom use longer sentences and complex sentences. In the massive information wave and attention economy led to the network language environment, the principles of linguistic economics were brought to the extreme. 2、The young people s enthusiasm to participate in 年轻人的参与热情 The popular language of network and frequent pop


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