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Proposed By 制定 Verified By 审核 Reviewed By 审核 Approved By 批准 Duty Personnel/Date 责任人/日期 Head of Dept./Date 部门负责人/日期 Management Representative/Date 管理者代表/日期 Managing Director/Date 董事经理 Rev. History 编写及修改情况记录 No. 序号 Rev. 版号 Date 日期 Description 编写及修改说明 Signature 编写及修改人 1 A0 2008-Feb-23 First issue/首次编写 顾而明 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 1. Objective/目的 Define the operating parameters and ensure the proper anti-corrosion coating of fins with continuous flatness. /定义操作参数和确保翅片防腐喷涂的涂层厚度的连续性。 2. Scope/范围 This work instruction covers anti-corrosion coating performed inside the workshop of our company of fins of all radiators which are using for 8 row tubes’ aluminum fins and copper tubes. /适用于纯铝翅片及紫铜管的散热器在本公司车间内的作业喷涂。 3. Responsibility/职责 3.1 PE(Production Engineer) and project engineer are responsible for define the operating parameters. /工艺工程师负责定义操作参数。 3.2 Production workers are responsible for operating coating according to this work instruction and checking the coating result by themselves. /生产部操作工负责按照本作业指导书作业并且实施自检。 3.3 Inspector of QA dept. is responsible for monitoring the coating process and checking the coating result. /质保部检验员负责监控喷涂的过程以及检验喷涂效果。 4. Procedure/程序 4.1 of the fins: /翅片的: 4.1.1 Make sure that the ventilators or other parts which will affect the pro-treatment of aluminum fins are not assembled or they have been dismantled. /确认两边的风机或者其它影响铝翅片预处理的部件未装配,或者已经装配但是现在已经拆除。 4.1.2 If a thick dust blanket is present on the coil, use a vacuum cleaner with soft brush attachment first, before cleaning the coil with water and detergent. /如果表面覆盖了很厚的灰尘,则必须在用水和清洁剂去污脱脂之前,先用带软刷头的真空吸尘器除尘; 4.1.3 Detergent maker: Blygold Detergent type: Refa Coil Clean. Detergent shall be diluted with water to a ratio of 1:10. The cleaning unit shall be: max. 120 bar and max. 80℃. /清洁剂的品牌:Blygold公司清洁剂的型号:Refa Coil Clean。清洁剂和水的配比:1:10。清洗设备最大压力:120公


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