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Keep on learning ; ;Translation;As we were switching sides to play a third set, he said to me, Do you mind if I play the backhand court? I always like to work on my weaknesses. What a fantastic example of a person who has never stopped learning. Incidentally, we won the third set 6-1. 我们交换场地打第三局时,他对我说:“我打反手击球你不介意吧?我向来喜欢多练练自己的弱点。”好一个永不中断学习的精彩实例。顺便说一下,我们6:1赢了第三局。 ;You can do the same if you work on your weaknesses and develop your strengths. To be able to compete, youve got to keep learning all your life. 如果你努力克服自己的弱点,发挥自己的优势,你同样可以做得那么好。要有能力竞争,就得终生学习。 ;As we walked off the court, my 90-year-old partner chuckled and said, I thought youd like to know about my number-one ranking in doubles in the United States in my age bracket, 85 and up! He wasnt thinking 90; he wasnt even thinking 85. He was thinking number one. 走出赛场,我那90高龄的搭档笑着说:“你也许想知道我在85岁以上年龄段的美国网球双打排名第一!”他想的不是年届90,想的甚至也不是85岁高龄。他想的是第一。;1. Never stop learning 2 Work on your weaknesses and develop your strengths. 3. Have your own goals and dreams 4 Be confident 5. The courage to face the challenges ;Examples1 英文版;中文版; Examples 2 中文版;;Examples 3 英文版;中文版;Some Proverbs ;Adversity and hardship is the highest institution to hone their personality. ——Socrates 患难与困苦是磨练人格的最高学府。 ——苏格拉底 逆水行舟,不进则退 ——谚语 愈艰难,就愈要做 ——鲁迅 非学无以广才,非志无以成学 ——诸葛亮;


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