《大学英语精读 Unit_3_Children’s_Education.ppt

《大学英语精读 Unit_3_Children’s_Education.ppt

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《大学英语精读 Unit_3_Children’s_Education

Unit 3 Children’s Education Text A We’re ALL Here to Learn A teacher’s praise and encouragement may influence a child greatly. Let’s find out how the teacher in this story helped her students. Useful expressions 小学 盯着,凝视 剧烈的疼痛 安顿下来 驾驶证 Elementary school Fix one’s eye on Severe pain Settle down Driving license Useful expressions 参加面试 具体措施 签订合同 语法错误 半途而废 Go for an interview Concrete measures Sign a contract Grammatical errors Go halfway Text interpretation What type is the text? A. narration B. exposition C. description D. argumentation Text interpretation This story is generally organized in order of . A. time B. space C. logic Find out signal words of time. Then put sentences containing the signal words together, and try to work out the main idea and structure. Text interpretation I was to carry those words in my hearts for the next 27 years. In 1976, I married a wonderful man. One day in 1986 I thought of my dream. For sever years I attended classes in the mornings before work. On May 8, 1993, my dream day arrived. Not long after I started, something happened that brought the past rushing back. Text interpretation Main idea This text tells us an inspiring story about a middle-aged housewife realized her dream of becoming a teacher. How would you organize a text of this type? See Part Division Text interpretation Part division Text interpretation What can we learn about and from the author? In her forties Now a teacher Used to be a full-time housewife A husband working as a mechanic A daughter about 30 The secret of success is, consistency to purpose. 成功的秘诀在于对目标的执着追求。  More? Translation He is a qualified mechanic, but he winds up with a job in international business. He enrolled in an elementary computer-training program in his spare time but failed to get through. After the interviews, the principal chose several outstanding university graduates to work as teachers. Translation This contract is very important


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