《新视野大学英语》第二册 教案.doc

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《新视野大学英语》第二册 教案

NHCETP Book 2 Unit One Section A Time-conscious Americans Objectives Key Points Difficulties Approach Procedures Step One Word Study Step Two Sentences beyond Comprehension Step Three Comprehension of the Passage Step Four Exercises ***** ***** ****** Step One Word Study Derivatives Charge (v.) discharge (v.); restless (a.) restlessly (ad.) rest (n./v.); interaction (n.) interact (v.) act (n. / v.); convention (n.) conventional (a.); leisure (n.) leisurely (ad.); social (a.) socially (ad.) socialism (n.) socialist (a./n.)society (n.); consequently (ad.) consequent (a.) consequence (n.); impersonality (n.) personality (n.) personal (a.) person (n.) personnel (n.); electronic (a./ n.) electron (n.) electricity (n.) electrician (n.) electrical (a.)electric (a.); significance (n.) significant (a.); conduct (v./n.) conductor (n.); increasingly (ad.) increasing (a.) increase (v./ n.); efficient (a.) efficiency (n.); impolite (a.)polite (a.); skillful (a.)skillfulness (n.) skill(n.); competent (a.) compete (v.) competence (n.) competition (n.) competitive (a.); Synonyms budget安排 arrange, dispose, fix, place, plan, schedule, settle charge 1)攻击,袭击 accuse, attack, come at, descend on, set on, hit, raid, storm, slam, strike, surprise; overtake; 2) 控告accuse, complain, denounce, indict, inform, frame, sue; 3)指责accuse, blame, brand, condemn, denounce, fault, lecture, rail at, rap, reproach, rebuke, scold, snap, tell off; acute, 敏感的,敏锐的 active, keen, prompt, quick, sensitive, sharp, swift; restless 不安的 bored, impatient, nervous, upset; abrupt 1)粗鲁的,无礼的bold, impolite, offensive, rash, reckless, rough, rude; 2)突然的explosive, overnight, short, snap, sudden, unexpected; opening 1)(开业/ 落成)典礼 commencement (毕业)典礼 ceremony 典礼;2)职位capacity, fellowship, job, place, position, post, rank, seat; ritual 1)惯常的,例行的 accustomed, average, common, conventional, customary, normal, ordinary, plain, routine



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