《新视野英语教程(第三版)》教学资源book3Unit 1.ppt

《新视野英语教程(第三版)》教学资源book3Unit 1.ppt

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《新视野英语教程(第三版)》教学资源book3Unit 1

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * handwriting n. 写字风格;笔迹 e.g. I cant read his handwriting. jealous adj. 【1】艳羡的;羡慕的 e.g. Shes jealous of my success. 【2】妒忌的;嫉妒的;吃醋的 e.g. Hes only talking to her to make you jealous. admire v. 钦佩;赞美 e.g. The school is widely admired for its excellent teaching. flood n. 【1】大量;滔滔不绝 e.g. a flood of complaints 【2】洪水;水灾 e.g. The heavy rain has caused floods in many parts of the country. v. (使)被水淹没 e.g. If the pipe bursts it could flood the whole house. Exercises apologize to someone for (doing) something 为(做了)某事向某人道歉 他因迟到而道歉。 He apologized for his lateness. e.g. I must apologize to you for not answering your letter in time. 我没有及时回信,得向您道歉。 Exercises be big on something 喜欢 1. 很多女孩不喜欢足球。 2. 这位女士喜欢名牌化妆品。 Many girls are not big on football. e.g. I am not big on hot temperatures. 我不喜欢热天气。 The young lady is big on famous brand cosmetics. go to it 祝你好运 ;加油干 e.g. “Go to it, John! You could beat the record this time. ” “加油!约翰!这次你可以打破纪录!” Exercises be jealous of 羡慕;妒忌 他为何如此嫉妒? Why is he so jealous? e.g. Her colleagues are jealous of her success. 她的同事羡慕她的成功。 Exercises a flood of 大量的 我今天早晨收到一大批来信。 I received a flood of letters this morning. e.g. A flood of cheap imports has come into the shops. 大量廉价进口商品涌入商店。 Exercises Using the Right Word Working with Expressions 1. The customs officer asked the lady to present her _______ before letting her pass through. 2. We were told to _____ our seat belts before the plane took off. 3. I’m trying to think of his name, but my mind’s a complete _______. 4. Today, nearly a thousand bus drivers, engineers, and factory workers voted (投票) on whether to accept or _____ the new policy. passport fasten blank reject Fill in the blanks with the words given below, changing the form if necessary. Fill in each blank with one word only. fasten confirm reject passport tension blank document admire



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