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vt. please (someone), esp. by giving them enough 使满意;使满足 e.g. His treatment of the problem doesn’t satisfy his boss. 老板不满意他对那个问题的处理。 satisfy The little boy opened the box to satisfy his curiosity. 小男孩打开了盒子,满足自己的好奇心。 Practice : Expressions feel pleased with 对……满意 e.g. The teacher was very satisfied with the student’s answer to the question. 老师对学生的回答非常满意。 be satisfied with She was perfectly satisfied with her appearance. 她对自己的外表十分满意。 Practice : vt. make appear less important or noticeable 使显得不重要;使相形见绌 e.g. Despite the success of his career, he is always overshadowed by his wife. 尽管他事业有成,但总是逊色于妻子。 overshadow Overshadowing all these problems was the shortage of funds. 在所有这些问题中,资金短缺这个问题最为突出。 Practice : decide after thinking carefully about something 做决定 make an important decision 做一个重要决定 make the final decision 做最后决定 make a decision it is... that e.g. It’s in this room that he was born 40 years ago. 他40年前是在这个房间里出生的。 It is his father who made the decision for him. 2. 是他父亲为他做了这个决定。 It was the style of the house that had impressed him most. 1. 房子的建筑风格是他印象最深刻的。 Practice : in sequence, separately 每次;依次;逐一 e.g. He can drink five bottles of beer at a time. 他一次能喝5瓶啤酒。 at a time If you try to learn too many things at a time, you may get confused. 如果你企图一下子学太多的话,你会被弄糊涂的。 Practice : adj. showing inability or unwillingness to accept delays, other people’s weaknesses, etc. 不耐烦的 e.g. Don’t be so impatient. The postman will come soon. 不要这么不耐烦,邮递员马上就要来了。 impatient When in a bad mood, you feel angry and impatient. 如果你情绪不好,就会发脾气,并且很不耐烦。 Practice : story in one place hoping or expeeting that someone will come or something will happen 等;等待 e.g. Don’t wait for me. I’ll go home late today. 不要等我,我今天晚些回家。 wait for He is waiting for a chance to visit her. 他正在等待机会去看她。 Practice : begin a journey 出发 e.g. When do you start out? 你什么时候出发? start out We start out from Tianjin at seven. 我们7点钟从天津出发。 Practice :



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