《步步高》2014届高考英语(外研版)大一轮复习讲义SB4 Module5.doc

《步步高》2014届高考英语(外研版)大一轮复习讲义SB4 Module5.doc

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《步步高》2014届高考英语(外研版)大一轮复习讲义SB4 Module5

Ⅰ.联想记忆(根据提示写出相应的词汇以及相关短语) 1.surround vt.围绕,环绕→be surrounded by被……围绕 2.distant adj.遥远的→in the distance在远处→at/from a distance隔开一段距离 3.forbid vt.禁止→forbid sb.from doing sth.禁止某人做某事 4.spot n.地点;场所→on the spot当场;在现场 5.view n.视野;景色;风景;观点;vt.观看;看待→in view在看得见的地方→in view of鉴于;考虑到 6.at the edge of在……的边缘→at the top of在……顶峰 7.make a detour 迂回→be on tour巡回演出 8.be heavy with充满;满载;有大量的……→a heavy smoker抽烟厉害的人 9.at least 至少→not in the least一点也不 10.rip off 敲竹杠;敲诈→rip sth.up 把某物撕成碎片 11.get a kick out of 从……中得到乐趣(俚语)→kick sth.about/around随便谈谈 12.go through经历→get through度过;通过 13.four weeks off四周假期→on vacation度假 Ⅱ.构词记忆(根据提示写出相应的词汇及其派生词) 1.hilly adj.多山的;丘陵起伏的→hill n.山丘,小山 2.narrow vi.变狭窄;adj.狭窄的→narrowly adv.勉强地 3.distant adj.遥远的→distance n.距离 4.varied adj.多变化的→vary v.变化→variety n.多样性;种类→various adj.各种各样的 5.naturally adv.自然地→natural adj.自然的;天然的→nature n.大自然 Ⅲ.语境填词(根据提示用适当的单词或短语填空) 1.Naturally(自然地),standing on the top of the peak(山顶),we have a good view(景色;风景) of the valley(山谷). 2.I was surrounded(围绕;环绕) by my colleagues(同事) and they asked me to tell some legends(传说故事). 3.These goods(货物) were forbidden(禁止) to carry to the remote(遥远的) dock. 4.The steep(陡峭的) slope(斜坡) is the most beautiful spot(地点;场所) of the mountain. 5.People are exploiting(开发) the distant(遥远的) mountainous(多山的) areas. Ⅳ.语境记忆(背诵语段,记忆单元词汇) Shandong is an immense region in the east of China,with a varied landscape from plains to hilly areas.The beautiful natural surroundings,a wide variety of green plants and narrow,winding lanes make it an ideal spot for holiday. Ⅴ.课文原句背诵 1.He and a colleague were_to spend two years there teaching English at a teacher training college. 他和另一位同事将在那里的一所教师进修学院教两年英语。 2.We could see_the_sun_setting behind the white pagoda. 我们目睹太阳在白塔后西沉。 3.I’m allowed to stick one in only_if I’ve been in a place for more than 24 hours. 只有在一个地方待超过24小时才能钉一个图钉。 Ⅰ.单项填空 1.Anyone,whether he is an official or a bus driver,should be ________ respected.(2012·福建,27) A.especiallyB.equallyC.naturallyD.normally 答案 B 解析 especia



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