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牛郎织女(刻纸) Cowherd and Weaving Girl The Cowherd and the girl weaver is a famous folk story China, spread widely not only in the folk, but also has deep impact on the literary creation. Many poets and even directly based on the folk tale, borrow ancient themes express ones feelings. 牛郎织女是中国一个有名的民间故事,不仅在民间流传很广,而且对文学创作也影响颇深。许多诗人甚至直接取材于这个民间故事,借古代题材表达自我感受。 Long ago, there was a boy, clever, diligent and honest. Orphaned at an early age, he was very poor. However, he adopted an abandoned old buffalo, which proved to be very loyal and relieved him a lot from the hard labor in the fields. The two enjoyed a very good relationship, being seen together all the time. Villagers from far and near came to know him by the name of the Cowherd. 很久很久以前,有一个聪明、勤奋、诚实的男孩。他从小就是孤儿,生活很贫苦。但是他养了一头老水牛,这头水牛也是被人抛弃的,他对男孩非常忠诚,每天尽力的帮他干农活。他们相依为命,形影不离。因此人们都把这个男孩子叫做牛郎。 At the same time, the youngest of the seven celestial princesses had grown tired of the privileged but secluded life in the heavenly palace. She longed for a mundane life she often saw down beneath her. That was a very pervert idea to cherish in heaven. Yet, determined to pursue what she deemed to be her own happiness, she sneaked out and descended onto the earth and to the sudden happiness of the Cowherd with whom she had secretly fallen in love all along in heaven. 那时,天庭中有七位公主。其中最小的一位厌倦了天庭中优越但是与世隔绝的生活,她常常从空中偷看人间,非常向往人间平凡的生活。尽管这种想法十分大逆不道,但是七仙女下定决心要追求自己的幸福,于是她私自下界来到人间。因为她在偷看人间的时候就偷偷爱上了牛郎,所以她到人间之后就嫁给了牛郎。 They married and had a lovely boy and a girl. While the Cowherd worked in the fields with his old pal the buffalo, the heavenly princess weaved at home to help support the family. Villagers all admired her excellent weaving skill and started learning from her. She was now well-known as the Weaving Girl. 后来他们生了一对儿女,夫妇俩个男耕女织,生活过的十分美满。由于七仙女纺织的技艺非常精湛,村民们纷纷向他学习,于是人们就称她为织女。 The family lived moderately but peacefully and happily until the girl‘s celestial royal family found her missing and traced her to the village. By the way,



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