《理智与情感》Sense and Sensibility读后感.ppt

《理智与情感》Sense and Sensibility读后感.ppt

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《理智与情感》Sense and Sensibility读后感

* 11英本2班 吴铮贝 4110611202 About the author and the book The relationship and beginning The symbol of sensibility ——Elinor The symbol of sense ——Marianne What should we do ? Sense and Sensibility was the first book that Jane Austen published. Though she initially called it Elinor and Marianne, Austen jettisoned both the title and the epistolary mode in which it was originally written, but kept the essential theme: the necessity of finding a workable middle ground between passion and reason. The story revolves around the Dashwood sisters, Elinor and Marianne. Whereas the former is a sensible, rational creature, her younger sister is wildly romantic--a characteristic that offers Austen plenty of scope for both satire and compassion. Henry Dashwood son niece former marriage succession daughter Elinor Marianne Margaret Sensibility Sense Elinor sense Elinor,this elder daughter whose advice was so effective ,possessed a strength of understandinng,and coolness of judgement,which qualify her, though only nineteen ,her feelings were strong,but she know how to govern them. Commenting on Edward Ferrars, a potential suitor for Elinors hand, Marianne admits that while she loves him tenderly, she finds him disappointing as a possible lover for her sister. Soon however, Marianne meets a man who measures up to her ideal,and Elinor love Edward deeply. But she found that Edward and Lucy had engaged secretly for four years.And Lucy asked her for help to get the admissiom of Edward’s mother . She turned toward Lucy in silent amasement and help her instead of takeing the chance to let Lucy disappeared from Edward’s life.I admire her for her kindness and sense. But finally,Lucy fell in love with Edward’s little brother. Even after that ,Elinor still loved Edward and finally they are together everlasting. Marianne sensibility Marianne’s abilities were, in many respects,quite equal to Elinor’s.She was sensible and clever ,but eager in everything,her sorrows, her joys, co



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