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主讲教师:郑家钦 * 合作原则的具体表现 一位书生被蝎子咬了。一开始他摇头晃脑地喊道:“贤妻,迅燃银灯,尔夫为毒虫所袭!”连说几遍,他妻子并没有反应,书生这才想起自己的妻子不识字,于是赶紧喊道:“老婆子,快点灯,蝎子咬着我啦!”“什么什么,怎么让蝎子咬着了?”妻子听到他说话的第一时间就跑了过来。 主讲教师:郑家钦 * 合作原则的具体表现 周恩来总理访问朝鲜的时候说:“中朝友谊象长白山一样永存,象鸭绿江一样长流。”访问尼泊尔时,周总理则说:“在我要结束我的讲话的时候,我祝中国和尼泊尔的友谊像联结着我们两国的喜玛拉雅山那样巍然永存。” 主讲教师:郑家钦 * 合作原则的具体表现 两个台湾观光团到日本伊豆半岛旅游,路况很坏,到处都是坑洞。其中一位导游连声抱歉,说路面简直像麻子一样。而另一个导游却诗意盎然地对游客说:“诸位女士先生,我们现在走的这条路,正是赫赫有名的伊豆迷人酒窝大道。” 主讲教师:郑家钦 * 合作原则的具体表现 著名文学家梁实秋晚年生活在台湾,常到一个叫“渔家庄”的饭店请客、用餐。有一天,他请的客人不喝酒,梁实秋告诉服务员饭和菜可以同时上来。可菜上齐了,迟迟不见米饭端上来。梁实秋招呼服务员:“小姐,是不是稻子还没有收割呀?”服务员立刻明白了意思,笑着回答:“您稍等,正在插秧呢!” 主讲教师:郑家钦 * 12.2.2 Coffman’s Face Theory (1955) Conversation is cooperative also in the sense that speakers and listeners tend to accept each other for what they claim to be: that is, they accept the face that the other offers. That face may vary according to circumstances, for at one time the face you offer me may be that of a ‘close friend’, on another occasion a ‘teacher’. In a conversation, we present faces to each other, protecting our own face, and protecting the other’s face. That is the norm. 主讲教师:郑家钦 * Coffman’s Face Theory (1955) Of course, one party may violate that norm. I can refuse to accept you for what you claim to be, deny your right to the face you are attempting to present, and even challenge you about it. Usually, challenging somebody about the face he or she is presenting is generally avoided. Conversation therefore involves a considerable amount of role-playing: we choose a role for ourselves in each conversation, discover the role of the other. All the world is a stage, and we are players. 主讲教师:郑家钦 * 12.3 The Features of Conversation 12.3.1 Features Since the content of a conversation is hard to predict, classifying by content is likely to be an impossible task. However, finding the organizational principles used offers us some hope. 主讲教师:郑家钦 * 1). Adjacency Pair (邻近配对) Utterance types of certain kinds are found



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