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Lecture Two Puritanism in American Literature ;Christianity and religion in England ;Different religious denominations(派系) in England; the most important one: the Church of England, also the Anglican Church; the established church of the English nation; one of the main denominations of Protestantism. ;The Puritans ;St. Peters Church at Roman; The abuse of this papal prerogative (特权) led to Martin Luther’s (1483-1546) first break with the Church. Luther preached vigorously against the abuse of indulgences, convinced that only a right personal relationship with God would bring salvation. ;; England began its religious Reformation in the 16th century, during the reign of Henry VIII (1509--1547), Edward VI (1547--1553), Mary I (1553--1558), and Elizabeth I (1558-1603). ;9; Henry VIII began to break with Rome. When Edward VI came to the throne, further reformation was carried out. When Mary I (daughter of Henry VIII), who was strongly Catholic, and bitter over the setting aside of her mother by his father, became the queen, she was determined to reestablish the Catholic faith in England. Her marriage in 1554 to Philip II of Spain acted as a further step in that direction. ; In 1554, Parliament voted restoration of Papal authority, and all previous steps toward reform were cancelled and severe persecution began. From the time of Henry VIII until the Restoration of 1688, the reigning king or queen was also the supreme head of the Church. ; Thus any dissent from orthodoxy as defined by the Established Church was equivalent to treason and was punishable in extreme cases by death. Therefore, the Puritans severely suffered from persecution, and to avoid persecution, some of them managed to escape to the New World. When Elizabeth I came to the throne, she restored some of the older reforms, and during her reign the religious question had been largely settled.; It was during the reign of Elizabeth I that the term “Puritan” was first applied to



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