《英语写作基础教程》Avoid Chinglish.ppt

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《英语写作基础教程》Avoid Chinglish

《英语写作基础教程》第三版 主编 丁往道等 高等教育出版社 Avoid Chinglish 1. the misuse of words 1. I forgot my pen in the classroom. I left my pen in the classroom. 2. Alcoholic drinks are harmful to your body. Alcoholic drinks are harmful to your health. 3. My car tire was broken on the highway. I got a flat tire on the highway. 4. The old man made a living by catching fish. The old man made a living by fishing. 2. the misuse of collocations 1. Learn knowledge Acquire, obtain, get knowledge 2. Raise flowers and raise a cat Grow flowers and keep a cat 3. Make dinner Cook or prepare dinner 4. the note writes… The note reads… 3. redundancy 1. we should further improve Sino-US relations. We should improve Sino-US relations. 2. such practices must be firmly banned. Such practices must be banned. 3. it is a great event with historical significance. It is a historic event. 4. my mum went to the shops to buy things for me yesterday. My mum went shopping for me yesterday. 4. Improper grammar 1. Because it was very late, so they had to go home. Because it was very late, they had to go home. 2. Looking from the mountaintop, the city appears very beautiful. Seen from the mountaintop, the city appears very beautiful. 3. If I have wings, I will fly back to my hometown. If I had wings, I would fly back to my hometown. 4. There are more than 200 guests took part in their party. More than 200 guests attended their party. 5. Cultural differences 1. Don’t be as timid as a mouse. Don’t be chicken-hearted. 2. Children should not watch yellow books. Children should not read porn books. 3. He was caught in the pouring rain and returned home as wet as a drowned chicken. He was caught in the pouring rain and returned home as wet as a drowned rat. 4. Have you eaten? Where have you been? These sentences are used as forms of greeting. How are you? How are you doing? How are things? 6. Differences between Chinese and English modes of thinking 1. The clock on the wall is not correct. The clock on the wall does no



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